
The research was aimed to know the effect of the gibberellic acid concentrations and types of varieties on the growth and yield of cayenne pepper ( Capsicum frutescens L.). Research was conducted from November 2017 until April 2018 in Ciruas Village, Ciruas District, Serang Regency, Banten Province. This research used Randomized Completely Block Design with two factors and three replications. The firs factor was concentration of gibberellic acid ( GA3) wich consisted five levels namely G0=0 ppm, G1=10 ppm, G2=20 ppm, G3=30 ppm, G4-40 ppm. The second factors was types of varieties wich consisted two levels namely V1=Hybrids (Pelita), V2=Non Hybrids (Tripang). The parameters observed were plant height, number of leaves, Flowering age, number of flowers, percentage of fall flowers, age of fruit harvest, number of fruits and the weight of fruit. The result showed that the concentration of GA3 has no significant effect on all parameters. Type of varieties gave significant effect on plant height, number of leaves, flowering age, number of flowers and age of fruit harvest. Type of varieties V1 (hybrids) gave the average on the number of leaves 6 weeks after planted (92,07 sheet), flowering age (42,13 day after planting), and age of fruit harvest (90,26 day after planting). There was no interaction between concentration of GA3 and types of varieties on all parameters. Keyword: Cayenne pepper, Concentration of GA 3, Types of varieties


  • Cabai rawit merupakan tanaman perdu dari keluarga terongterongan (Solanaceae) yang banyak dimanfaatkan di kalangan masyarakat

  • The research was aimed to know the effect of the gibberellic acid concentrations and types of varieties

  • Research was conducted from November 2017 until April 2018

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Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan November 2017 sampai dengan April 2018. Lokasi penelitian berada di Kampung Cembeh RT. RW.001, Desa Ciruas, Kecamatan Ciruas, Kabupaten Serang Banten dengan ketinggian tempat kira-kira 50 m di atas permukaan laut (dpl) dengan garis lintang 06o06'698'' LS dan garis bujur 106o07'915'' BT, bersuhu antara 27,0oC-27,8oC, kelembapan antara 82%-84%, ratarata curah hujan 141,9-222.2 mm setiap bulannya serta intensitas cahaya matahari antara 34%-85,9%. Alat-alat yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah: tray semai, ayakan tanah, penggaris, cangkul, polybag 35 x 35 cm, alat tulis, hand sprayer, timbangan analitik, mikropipet, timbangan buah, magnetic stirrer, Gembor dan ajir. Bahan-bahan yang digunakan ialah: benih cabai varietas Pelita F1, benih cabai varietas Tripang, GA3 murni, media semai, kertas label, tanah, pupuk kandang, arang sekam, air, pupuk NPK Mutiara 16:16:16, insektisida bahan aktif Karbosulfan 200, dan fungisida bahan aktif Carsiben 60%, alkohol 70%. Terdiri dari dua faktor, yaitu konsentrasi GA3 sebagai faktor pertama dan jenis varietas tanaman cabai rawit sebagai faktor kedua. Faktor pertama konsentrasi GA3 yang terdiri dari 5 taraf, yaitu. Parameter yang diamati pada penelitian ini terdiri atas tinggi tanaman (cm), jumlah daun (helai), umur berbunga per tanaman (HST), jumlah bunga per tanaman (bunga), persentase bunga gugur per tanaman (%), umur panen buah per tanaman (HST), jumlah buah panen per tanaman (buah), bobot buah panen per tanaman (g). Apabila uji F terbukti berbeda nyata maka dilakukan uji lanjut Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) dengan taraf 5%

Persentase Bunga Gugur per Tanaman
Umur Panen Buah per Tanaman Hasil perlakuan pemberian
Jumlah Buah per Tanaman
Bobot Buah per Tanaman Hasil perlakuan pemberian
Non Hibrida
Hasil dan Hasil dengan Gugur
Pertumbuhan dan Hasil
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