
The objective of the study was to obtain the proper concentration of POC Unitas Super on the optimal growth and yield of local cayenne pepper (Capsicum frutescens L.). The experiment was conducted at Kanagarian Toboh Gadang, Padang Pariaman, from July to October 2017. The location is at 20 m asl, and is 10 km from the district capital, in the dry land of latosol soil type. The tools used are the hoe, stand, rope, bucket, analytical scale, meter, rake, and stationery. Materials needed include; local cayenne pepper seedlings result from propagation of local cayenne pepper seeds, POC Unitas Super (US) obtained from Faculty of Agriculture Universitas Tamansiswa Padang. NPK Compound Fertilizers (15-15-15) are given 50% recommendation, and manure as much as 5 ton ha-1. The experiment was conducted using Completely Randomized Design, with 5 treatment of POC concentration ie; P0 (0 ml L-1); P1 (25 ml L-1); P2 (50 ml L-1) and P3 (75 ml L-1), replicate 4 times, so there were 20 experimental units. The data obtained were analyzed statistically by using F (ANOVA) test of 5% real level if the treatment had the significant effect on BNT further test (smallest real difference) at 5% level. The parameters observed were; plant height, number of branches, the diameter of plant canopy, the age of flowering, the yield of cayenne pepper. The giving of 50 ml of L-1 POC Unitas Super every 2 weeks is the optimum concentration to increase the growth and yield of cayenne pepper (Capsicum frutescens L.). The production of cayenne pepper produced reached 5.55 kg plot-1 or equal to 55.50 tons ha-1.


  • Tanaman cabai rawit merupakan salah satu tanaman tergolong dari bagian bumbu masak

  • The objective of the study was to obtain the proper concentration of Pupuk organik cair (POC) Unitas Super on the optimal growth and yield

  • The experiment was conducted at Kanagarian Toboh Gadang

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Percobaan dilakukan di Kanagarian Toboh Gadang, Padang Pariaman, mulai Juli hingga Oktober 2017. Media semai yang digunakan adalah pada tray yang diisi tanah dan pupuk kandang (1:1) dan bibit dipelihara hingga 2 minggu lamanya. Tanaman diberi POC US dengan menyemprotnya dengan berupa kabut, mulai dari 2 minggu setelah pindah tanam, dan setiap 2 minggu sekali secara merata pada bagian tajuk hingga berusia 3 bulan. Pengamatan pertumbuhan tanaman cabai dilakukan antara lain; tinggi tanaman, dengan mengukur tinggi tanaman mulai dari pangkal batang batas dengan tanah hingga titik tumbuh tanaman tertinggi pada cabang yang terpanjang yang berada pada posisi vertikal, jumlah cabang dengan menghitung setiap 2 minggu sekali jumlah cabang yang muncul baik cabang sekunder, tersier maupun kuarter. Hasil cabai dilakukan dengan menimbang buah segar setiap kali panen kemudian diakumulasikan hasilnya yang berasal dari 7 kali panen, dan ditotalkan

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