Galam l iquid smoke is a liquid product derived from c arbonization process of Galam wood (Malaleuca leucadendra) which can be used as natural preservative to fish. The incorporated edible film packaging with l iquid galam wood is a good alternative to inhibit the deterioration of fish qua lity during storage. This study aims to determine the effect of liquid smoke of galam wood in corporated into edibl e film to the deterioration of catfish (Pangasius sp) quality. The treatment factors used were (i) the edible film - gelatin e formulation (G), g elatin e - pectin (G - P), liquid smoke - gel atine (G - AC) and gelatine - pectin - liquid smoke (G - P - AC). It was compared with control (without treatment). The other factors were (ii) storage duration of 0 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours and 6 hours. The observed degradation p arameters were Total Volatile Base - Nitrogen (TVBN) and microbiological testing. After being stored for 6 hours , t he highest value of TVBN was found in the control without treatment ( 54 mgN/100g ), while the lowest TVBN value was g elatine - pectine - liquid smok e (1 8 mgN/100g ) . T he microbiological test showed that the highest TP value was found in the control which reached 1 . 6x10^9 , while the gelatine, gelatine - pectin, gelatine-l iquid smoke and gelatine - pectin - liquid smoke were log 5 . 7x10^8 ; 1 . 0x10^8 ; 3 . 5x10^8 ; and 7 . 0x10^8 respectively. The gelatin e - pectin - liquid smoke (G - P - AC) treatment is able to inhibit the decrease of catfish quality on TVBN value at 6 hours of storage, while TPC value is more stable on gelatine - smoke treatment (G - AC) at 2 to 6 hours. The results of this study indicate that the addition of liquid smoke is able to inhibit the declining quality of catfish.
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