
4C (Collaboration, Communication, Creativity and Critical Thinking) skill-based Problem Based Instruction (PBI) is student-centered learning so that it can do problem solving activities and make students think more critically, present creative ideas and communicate with the lesson more broadly. The learning model is a planning guide in determining the set of lessons in the classroom. Learning on students is still centered on the teacher or conventional so it does not provide opportunities for students to express ideas as if students think in communication, collaboration, creative and critical thinking. This study aims to determine the effect of the 4C Skill-based Problem Based Instruction learning model on electronic learning outcomes. The 4C skill-based PBI learning model uses a quasy type of experimental research. In this study the effect of the treatment (treatment) was analyzed by different tests, namely the group received different treatment, namely the experimental group PBI learning based on 4C skills and the control group with conventional learning (two groups). From the results of the study showed an increase in the average value of learning outcomes of the experimental class was higher than the increase in the average value of the control class. It can be concluded that the learning outcomes of students who use the 4C-based problem based instruction learning model are better than students who use conventional learning.


  • 4C (Collaboration, Communication, Creativity and Critical Thinking) skill-based Problem Based Instruction (PBI) is student-centered learning so that it can do problem solving activities and make students think more critically, present creative ideas and communicate with the lesson more broadly

  • This study aims to determine the effect of the 4C Skillbased Problem Based Instruction learning model on electronic learning outcomes

  • Beliau lulus Sarjana (S1) pada tahun 1983 di Jurusan Teknik Bagunan IKIP Padang, Magister Pendidikan (S2) di IKIP Jakarta pada tahun 1992, Magister Teknik (S2) UGM Yogyakarta pada tahun 2000, dan Doktor (S3) dan Bidang Ilmu Pendidikan di Universitas Negeri Jakarta pada tahun 2007

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Era R.I 4.0 telah membawa semua perubahan dalam aspek kehidupan, mengubah cara hidup, mengaitkan manusia dengan mesin dan mengaitkan manusia dengan manusia [1], mulai dari perubahan IT, komunikasi seluler dan ecommerce, media sosial, komunikasi via internet. Pembelajaran abad 21 pada mata pelajaran rangkaian elektronika memiliki dampak yang baik dalam dunia industri salah satunya IoT (Internet of Tings) dimana konsep IoT ini memiliki empat poin yaitu things, connectivity, data dan analytic yang merupakan bagian dari eletronika yang dapat dikembangkan di industri 4.0. Dalam persoalan tersebut maka salah satunya solusinya adalah diterapkannya model suatu pembelajaran aktif agar siswa dapat meningkatkan keterampilan belajaran, kreatif dan fokus dalam belajar. Model pembelajaran Problem Based Instruction (PBI) berbasis keterampilan belajar 4C abad 21 merupakan model yang dianggap sesuai untuk mengatasi persoalan tersebut. [14] model pembelajaran yang baik akan memliki ciriciri yang baik jugayaitu 1) intelektual-emosional siswa melalui kegiatan sikap, membuat, mengalami dan menganalisis 2) peserta didik ikut serta secara aktif dan kreatif 3) guru sebagai fasilitator, mediator, motivator dan koordinator 4) penggunaan alat, metode dan media pembelajaran. Berdasarkan kerangka diatas, peneliti berharap pembelajaran menggunakan Problem Based Instruction berbasis keterampilan 4C dapat diterapkan dalam pembelajaran penerapan rangkaian elektronika

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