
Metode yang dapat mengembangkan ekspresi emosi anak adalah dengan menggunakan metode bernyanyi, berdasarkan latar belakang masalah yang peneliti temukan, penelitian ini ingin mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh metode bernyanyi terhadap ekspresi emosi anak. Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan quasy eksperiment dengan subjeknya yaitu kelompok B1terdiri dari 10 anak dimana 6 anak laki-laki dan 4 perempuan, dan kelompok B2 terdiri dari10 anak dimana 7 anak laki-laki dan 3 perempuan.Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu tes perbuatan, dengan alat pengumpulan data menggunakan lembaran pernyataan, berikutnya dikelola menggunakan uji perbedaan (t-test) data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kelas ekspreimen dengan metode bernyanyi mendapatkan nilai rata-rata lebih tinggi 88,75 dibandingkan dengan yang berada di kelas kontrol 78,12 menggunakan metode bermain peran. Terlihat thitung > ttabel yaitu 2,41590 > 2.10092. Dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa metode bernyanyi mempengaruhi ekspresi emosi anak di Taman Kanak-Kanak Jabal Rahmah Padang tahun ajaran 2018/2019


  • PAUD is an education provider that focuses on growth based on uniqueness, and the stages of development that children go through to grow all the potential that children have

  • It can be concluded that there is a significant influence of the use of the singing method on children's emotional expression in Jabal Rahmah Padang Kindergarten

  • It was proven that the average value of the experimental class was 88.75 and in the control class was 78.12 with the results of the hypothesis test t count> t table where 2.41592> 2.10092 with a significant level α 0.05 this meant that there were significant differences between the results of the expression the emotions of children in the experimental class (B1) and the results of expression in the control class (B2)

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PAUD is an education provider that focuses on growth based on uniqueness, and the stages of development that children go through to grow all the potential that children have. Childhood is unique in having its own patterns of growth, development, and characteristics according to its stage. Education is develop students’ ebilities and attitudes to educate students potential to be able to devote to god almigty, good attitude, healthy, knoledgeable, skillfull, creative, independence, and responsible to their life (Aziz, 2017). In this age range, the child is in the golden period, which is the most. The Influence of Singing Method valuable period that cannot be repeated in the future. Lubis and Khadijah (2018: 178) state childhood is a time when the child is in a level of development that has its own taste, mind, will

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