
Effect of gas flow rate on the surface of quartz crystal SiO 2 during plasma etching was studied. The etching process was applied using the capacitively coupled plasma (CCP) reactor generated with 100 W power AC generator at low frequency of 40 kHz using a gas flow of CH 2 FCF 3. The main objective of this study was to determine the effect of changing gas flow rate on the plasma etching rate on the SiO 2 surfaces. Gas flow rate was varied between 20-40 mL/min, while keeping all other plasma parameters constant. The etched surface of SiO 2 was analyzed using white-light profilometer (Topography Measurement System (TMS 1200 Micro Lab)). The results show the physical etching processes influenced the rate of etching at a low gas flow rate, while the higher flow rate influence reactive ion etching (RIE) in the etching process. The maximum etching rate is found at 7.753 nm / min achieved in plasma etching process.


  • Effect of gas flow rate on the surface of quartz crystal SiO2 during plasma etching was studied

  • The results show the physical etching processes influenced the rate of etching at a low gas flow rate, while the higher flow rate influence reactive ion etching (RIE) in the etching process

  • “Influence of Temperature on The Etching Rate of SiO2 in CF4+O2 Plasma,” Microelectron

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Pada penelitian ini, etching dilakukan dengan menggunakan plasma. Pada permukaan keping SiO2 terdapat perak yang merupakan elektroda dari sensor QCM. Sebelum sampel keping SiO2 diletakkan di dalam reaktor, elektroda reaktor dibersihkan terlebih dahulu untuk mengurangi resistansinya. Kemudian sampel diletakkan pada bagian tengah elektroda bawah untuk memperoleh populasi plasma yang tinggi. Proses etching dilakukan selama 60 menit dengan variasi laju alir gas CH2FCF3 sebesar nilai 20 mL/min, 30 mL/min, dan 40 mL/min. Keping SiO2 yang telah dietching diukur kedalaman etchingnya dengan menggunakan white light profilometer. Pengukuran nilai kedalaman atau nilai z pada daerah masking dan daerah etching dilakukan dengan menggunakan TMS 1200 Micro Lab dengan perbesaran 10x. Dilakukan penghitungan beda ketinggian antara daerah etching dan daerah masking. Selanjutnya dilakukan penghitungan laju etching berdasarkan selisih nilai z antara daerah masking dan daerah etching dibagi dengan lama proses etchingnya

Lama Etching
Processes for the Etching of Single Crystal
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