
The intensity of solar radiation provides information of amount energi that is transferred by the sun in a unit time. The information is used in many sectors for designing and assembling systems with solar energi sources. The measurement of the intensity of solar radiation directly requires a complex set of tools and procedures. This study aims to provide an estimate of instantaneous solar radiation by using energi conversion methods. The working principle of the method used is to capture the flux of solar radiation with a piece of black copper plates and then extract the energi into the water medium through direct contact of the water-copper plates. The increase of fluid temperatur is measured as a function of the time duration of radiation exposure. The radiation intensity value is obtained from derivation of the gradient value of the increasing temperatur. The results show that the energi conversion method gives the radiation intensity value matching the radiation intensity value based on the calculation of astronomical formulation. In the location of the experiment, at noon, the energi conversion method gives an instantaneous solar radiation intensity of 1149, 63 W/m 2 with a difference of 0.59% with the calculation result of the astronomical formula.


  • The intensity of solar radiation provides information of amount energi that is transferred by the sun in a unit time

  • This study aims to provide an estimate of instantaneous solar radiation by using energi conversion methods

  • The results show that the energi conversion method gives the radiation intensity value matching the radiation intensity value based on the calculation of astronomical formulation

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Estimasi Intensitas Radiasi Matahari Sesaat dengan Metode Konversi Energi

1) Jurusan Fisika, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Brawijaya. Intensitas radiasi matahari memberikan informasi besar energi yang ditransfer oleh matahari persatuan waktu. Informasi tersebut digunakan di banyak sektor untuk kebutuhan perancangan dan perakitan sistem dengan sumber energi matahari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan estimasi besar intensitas radiasi matahari sesaat dengan mengunakan metode konversi energi. Prinsip kerja dari metode yang digunakan adalah menangkap fluk energi radiasi matahari dengan sebuah luasan pelat tembaga hitam kemudian mengekstrak energi tersebut menjadi energi panas pada media fluida air melalui kontak langsung pelat tembaga-air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode konversi energi memberikan nilai intensitas radiasi yang mendekati dengan nilai intensitas radiasi berdasarkan perhitungan formulasi astronomi. Pada tengah hari, metode konversi energi memberikan hasil intensitas radiasi matahari sesaat sebesar 1149, 63 W/m2 dengan selisih sebesar 0,59 % dari hasil perhitungan menggunakan formulasi astronomi. Kata kunci: Intensitas, radiasi matahari sesaat, konversi energi, pelat tembaga

Intensitas radiasi matahari merupakan
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