
The increase in internet users has made consumers pay more and more attention to the products to be purchased, one of which is body care, namely hand body lotion, which is experiencing an increasingly difficult level of competition due to being one of the body treatments needed by consumers in caring for their skin. This study aims to determine the effect of product quality and E-Wom viral marketing on purchasing decisions for Marina Hand Body Lotion products. The study was conducted on 70 respondents who were UPN Veterans East Java students who had used or purchased Marina Hand Body Lotion products by collecting questionnaire data and were selected using a non-probability sampling method with a porposive sampling technique. The data is distributed and collected and then processed using the Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis technique. The results of the study explain that product quality has a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions for Hand Body Lotion Marina products and E-Wom viral marketing has a positive effect on purchasing decisions for Hand Body Lotion Marina products.
 Keywords: Product quality; Electronic Word of Mouth; buying decision; body care; E-Wom

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