
Sentra Kuliner Food Street Semolowaru (Jalur Gaza) Surabaya is one of the Micro Small Enterprises in Surabaya. To maintain business continuity, business actors need creativity and sufficient capital to support business continuity. Creativity and Business Capital play an important role in a business. creativity is an effort to produce products to add high value to a business. on the other hand, capital is needed to support all business activities. with sufficient and adequate capital, of course, business actors do not experience difficulties in dealing with financial problems, so that the business can run well to achieve its business goals. In this study, researchers tried to find out the effect of two independent variables, namely Creativity and Business Capital on the dependent variable, namely Business Sustainability. with the object of research at Sentra Kuliner Food Street Semolowaru (Jalur Gaza) Surabaya. The research method used in this research is quantitative research with a causal associative type of research. In collecting data, researchers distributed questionnaires directly and the technique used was a non-probability sampling technique with the type of sampling Saturated (census). The number of respondents is all business people in the Sentra Kuliner Food Street Semolowaru (Jalur Gaza) Surabaya, totaling 50 respondents. The results of this study prove that creativity and business capital have a significant effect on business continuity at the Sentra Kuliner Food Street Semolowaru (Jalur Gaza) Surabaya. Based on the results of this study, it can be suggested for business actors in the Sentra Kuliner Food Street Semolowaru (Jalur Gaza) Surabaya related to creativity is to vary the new menu in accordance with consumer interests that are always changing. While the suggestion regarding business capital is that business actors can take advantage of low-interest credit facilities offered by the government for UMKM.

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