
This study aims to analyze the sampling technique using the Proportional Random Sampling method. The sample in this study was 98 students. The results of self-concept research have a significant effect on learning outcomes. the respective coefficients are 0.188. With the value of tcount tcount 3.193 > ttable 1.66159 This means that if self-concept increases by one unit, then learning outcomes increase by 0.188 in each unit. Independent learning is significant to learning outcomes. The respective coefficients are 0.315. learning readiness has a significant effect on learning outcomes. the respective coefficients are 0.320. Parental attention has a significant effect on learning outcomes. the respective coefficients are 0.437. Learning facilities have a significant effect on learning outcomes. their respective coefficients are 0.208. self-concept, learning independence, learning readiness, parental attention and learning facilities together have a significant effect on learning outcomes. Where obtained the value of Fcount 45.625 > Ftable 2.31 with a significant level of 0.000 < = 0.05. This means that Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected.Keywords: Self-concept, learning independence, learning readiness, parental attention and learning facilities.

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