
The teacher's role in improving student achievement is very dominant and plays an important role. Professional teachers are required to have competence as learning agents. Teachers who have educator certificates will better understand learning management for students, especially in Islamic Religious Education subjects. The quality of learning management has not been met by certified teachers in their fields. The method used in this research is the descriptive method. The technique used is a survey technique, namely collecting information through field data that describes factors related to the variables of teacher professional competence, learning management, and quality of student learning outcomes in Islamic religious education subjects. Based on the results of the main hypothesis test, it can be concluded that the professional competence of teachers does not have a significant effect on learning management in improving student achievement in Islamic subjects at the UPTD Education Pasirwangi Garut. This can be seen from the results obtained, namely t count is smaller than the t table. is tcount = 1.9686 <ttable = 2.0395. Thus, H0 is valid.

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