
The purpose of this study was to find out how much influence the teaching skills of teachers have on the cognitive development of students in grades 1-4 of the Diniyah Takmiliyah Madrasah at the Nurul Huda Cikupa Islamic Education Foundation Tangerang. This research approach is quantitative, and the population is all students in grades 1-4 totaling 41 students with a sample of 28 students. Data collection techniques use questionnaires, observations, interviews and documentation with testing instruments to test validity and reliability. The results showed that the influence of teacher teaching skills on students' cognitive development can be categorized as very strongly related. This is evidenced based on the results of the product moment correlation test analysis from 28 samples which showed that rhitung 0.827 > rtabel 0.373. And also based on the results of the correlation coefficient test, which is 0.789, the calculated value is 7.509 > ttabel 1.706. So in this study accepting Ha and rejecting H0 means that there is a significant and positive relationship between teacher teaching skills and the cognitive development of students in grades 1-4 of Diniyah Takmiliyah Madrasah at the Nurul Huda Cikupa Islamic Education Foundation Tangerang.

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