
This study aims to determine whether there is influence of learning independence on student learning outcomes of The 4thgrade students SDN 6 Dawuhan academic year 2017/2018. This research is a quantitative research, The method used is comprative. The formulation of the problem in this research is whether there is influence of learning independence on student learning outcomes of The 4thgrade students SDN 6 Dawuhan academic year 2017/2018?. The population in this study were students at SDN 6 Dawuhan. This research use purpusive sampling technique, with sample number 30 responden (all student of class 4th). This research consist of independent variable and dependent variable, independent variable that is learning independence (X), and dependent variable that is learning outcomes (Y). Data collection technique used in this study is using questionnaires and documentation (student learning outcomes). The results showed that the influence of learning independence on student learning outcomes of class 4th is in the category of influence is it can be in known from the correlation coefficient of R = 0,507, and to know whether the hypothesis submitted accepted / rejected, then T count compared with T table with significant level of 0,005 with the number of respondents 30 obtaided T table = 2,048 whereas T count = 3,117, means T count 3,117 > T table 2,048 so (Ho) is rejected and (Ha) accepted. Based on the results of the study, then this study, concluded (Ho) rejected and (Ha) accepted, that there is Influence Of Learning Independence On Student Learning Outcomes Of The 4thGrade Students SDN 6 Dawuhan Academic Year 2017/2018.


  • This study aims to determine whether there is influence of learning independence on student learning outcomes of The 4thgrade students SDN 6 Dawuhan academic year 2017/2018

  • This research consist of independent variable and dependent variable, independent variable that is learning independence (X), and dependent variable that is learning outcomes (Y)

  • Data collection technique used in this study is using questionnaires and documentation

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui terdapat tidaknya Pengaruh Kemandirian

Rumusan masalah pada penelitian ini yaitu apakah terdapat pengaruh kemandirian belajar terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas IV di SDN 6 Dawuhan Kecamatan Situbondo Tahun Pelajaran. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah siswa di SDN 6 Dawuhan. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purpusive sampling, dengan jumlah sempel sebanyak 30 responden (seluruh siswa kelas IV). Penelitian ini terdiri dari variabel bebas dan variabel terikat, variabel bebasnya yaitu kemandirian belajar (X), dan variabel terikatnya yaitu hasil belajar (Y). Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan kuisioner (angket), dan dokumentasi (hasil belajar siswa). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh kemandirian belajar terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas IV berada pada kategori pengaruh sedang hal ini dapat diketahui dari hasil koefisien korelasi sebesar R = 0,507, dan untuk mengetahui apakah hipotesis yang di ajukan diterima / ditolak, maka dibandingkan dengan dengan taraf signifikasi (α) = 0.005 dengan jumlah responden 30

Heldie Bramantha
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