
HR is a major element in the success of the company, which has the quality to help the company in achieving goals and overcoming obstacles in the business world. The discipline of human resources in the Company is our concern, because based on a preliminary survey there is a lack of employee discipline, besides that the condition of the work environment is a concern so that employee performance can be maximized. The purpose of this study is to determine whether employee discipline and work environment have an influence on employee performance, besides the method used is descriptive and verifiative with 49 samples. The data collected through this questionnaire amounted to 10 work discipline indicators as well as 4 work environment indicators and 4 employee performance indicators. Our research instrument is a test of its validity and reliability. The research used by us is a classic hypothesis test, simultaneous test and partial test, with IBM SPSS Statistics 22 program and application.with results showing that employee discipline and work environment simultaneously affect employee performance. But without using constant regression models. The value of determination on employee discipline and work environment affects employee performance by 56.5% and the rest is not studied.

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