Title: The Impact of Wind Velocity and Distribution on Thermal Comfort during Leisurely Walking Activities in the Taman Sari Area Urban Heat Island affects the thermal comfort of the microclimate of an area in the city and is a challenge for human adaptation and environmental sustainability. Taman Sari is a heritage tourism area in the center of Yogyakarta city. Wind speed is an important factor in the thermal comfort of outdoor space because the human body can directly feel the wind. This study aims to determine the effect of wind speed on thermal comfort in leisurely walking activities and determine the direction and distribution of wind in the Taman Sari area. The method used is descriptive quantitative to the results of field surveys, calculations, and simulation software Simscale. The research results are that wind speed influences thermal comfort when strolling, with the calculation that 1.3 m/s =< v < 3.7 m/s gives a comfortable perception in zones I and II. Meanwhile, in zone III, v =< 0.7 m/s, which gives the perception of heat. Simulation results show wind direction and validation of measurement data. The graphic pattern measurement data is the same as the graphical pattern of the simulated data. However, both data differ in wind speed values at several observation points.
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