
Kestabilan kadar kolesterol penderita hiperkolesterolemia saat ini masih sulit untuk dikendalikan karena kurangnya pengetahuan untuk melakukan penanganan jika kadar kolesterol mengalami penigkatan. Tujuan ditulisnya artikel ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh jus alpukat terhadap penurunan kadar kolesterol pada penderita hiperkolesterolemia. Metode yang digunakan penelitian ini menggunakan pra eksperimental dengan rancangan penelitian One group pretest-posttest design. Populasi pada penelitian ini merupakan penderita hiperkolesterolemia di Yayasan Harapan Robbani Kota Cirebon sebanyak 50 orang, teknik sampling total sampling. Uji statistik yang digunakan yaitu paired sample t-test. Setelah dilakukan penelitian didapatkan bahwa rata-rata kadar kolesterol responden sebelum diberikan jus alpukat yaitu 224 mg/dL dan setelah diberikan jus alpukat kadar kolesterol mengalami penurunan dengan rata-rata yaitu 209 mg/dL. Uji statistik paired sample t-test diperoleh p-value 0,00 < 0,05 artinya ada pengaruh pemberian jus alpukat mentega terhadap penurunan kadar kolesterol penderita hiperkolesterolemia. Senyawa yang terkandung dalam buah alpukat seperti omega- 9 dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol total, kolesterol LDL dan meningkatkan kadar HDL, Beta sitosterol merupakan derivat dari fitodterol menurunkan kadar kolesterol dengan menghambat absorpsi kolesterol dan meningkatkan ekskresi kolesterol dalam darah, vitamin B3 (niasin) dapat menurunkan produksi VLDL, sehingga kadar IDL dan LDL juga menurun yang akan berdampak menurunnya kadar kolesterol total serum, vitamin C membantu reaksi hidroksilasi dalam pembentukan asam empedu sehingga meningkatkan ekskresi kolesterol dan menurunkan kadar kolesterol total dalam darah. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah ada pengaruh pemberian jus alpukat mentega terhadap penurunan kadar kolesterol pada penderita hiperkolesterolemia di Yayasan Harapan Robbani Kota Cirebon. Saran: Diharapkan penderita hiperkolesterolemia dapat menkonsumsi jus alpukat untuk membantu menurunkan kolesterol.Kata Kunci: Jus Alpukat; Kadar kolesterol; HiperkolesterolemiaAbstract The stability of cholesterol levels in hypercholesterolemia sufferers is currently still difficult to control due to a lack of knowledge on how to treat cholesterol levels if they increase. This article is written to determine the effect of avocado juice on reducing cholesterol levels in hypercholesterolemia sufferers. This research used a pre-experimental research design with a group pretest-post-test design. The population in this study was 50 people suffering from hypercholesterolemia at the Harapan Robbani Foundation, Cirebon City, total sampling technique. The statistical test used is the paired sample t-test. After the research was carried out, it was found that the average cholesterol level of respondents before being given avocado juice was 224 mg/dL and after being given avocado juice the cholesterol level decreased by an average of 209 mg/dL. The paired sample t-test statistical test obtained a p-value of 0.00 < 0.05, which means that there is an influence of giving avocado butter juice on reducing cholesterol levels in hypercholesterolemia sufferers. Compounds contained in avocados such as omega-9 can reduce total cholesterol levels, and LDL cholesterol and increase HDL levels, Beta sitosterol is a derivative of phytosterol, lowers cholesterol levels by inhibiting cholesterol absorption and increasing cholesterol excretion in the blood, vitamin B3 (niacin) can reduce VLDL production, so that IDL and LDL levels also decrease which will have an impact on reducing total serum cholesterol levels. Vitamin C helps the hydroxylation reaction in the formation of bile acids thereby increasing cholesterol excretion and reducing total cholesterol levels in the blood. It can be concluded that there is an effect of giving avocado butter juice on reducing cholesterol levels in hypercholesterolemia sufferers at the Harapan Robbani Foundation, Cirebon City. Suggestion: It is hoped that hypercholesterolemia sufferers can consume avocado juice to help lower cholesterol.Keywords: Avocado juice, cholesterol levels, hypercholesterolemia.

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