
This research is motivated by students' mathematical communication skills that areconsidered still low. This is because the use of learning models or methods is less varied, and the teacher has not linked the subject matter to the everyday context because in teaching only uses one learning source. The study aimed to find out whether there was an effect of the application of the Hypnoteaching method in Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) to the mathematical communication skills of fifth grade students of Elementary School 1 Sukarame. The research method used is Quasi Experimental (Quasy Experimental Design). The population in this research were all sixth grade students of Elementary School 1 Sukarame, amounting to 87 students. The sample in this study uses saturated sampling because the entire population is used as a sample. Students' mathematical communication skills were measured using a test consisting of 8 essay questions, with a reliability index of 0.707. Based on the results of normality, using the Liliefors test and homogeneity, using the Bartlett test, it was found that data from three samples were normally distributed and homogeneous. So that for testing hypotheses can beused Anava test one way with the same cell. Anova test results obtained obtained Fcount = 19.195, while the value of Ftable = 3.105, because Fcount> Ftable then H0 is rejected which means that is a significant influence of Hypnoteaching method in CTL. When H0 was rejected, it was carried out by a double compatibility test with the Schefee method, and from the three treatments it was concluded that the Hypnoteaching method in CTL was better than conventional Hypnoteaching learning methods and conventional learning methods.


  • This research is motivated by students' mathematical communication skills

  • This is because the use of learning models or methods is less varied

  • the teacher has not linked the subject matter to the everyday context

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Berdasarkan Tabel 1 tersebut, dapat diketahui bahwa, masih banyak peserta didik yang mendapat nilai di bawah KKM yakni 68. Peserta didik kurang percaya diri untuk berkomunikasi dalam mengapresiasikan ide-ide matematis mereka dalam proses pembelajaran dan peserta didik juga belum mampu mengaitkan materi pelajaran sesuai dengan permasalahan yang ditemukan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Masalah lain yang terlihat yaitu guru yang belum mengaitkan materi pelajaran dengan konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. Kemampuan peserta didik dalam mengkaitkan materi pelajaran dengan kehidupan sehari-hari juga masih kurang. Hal ini nampak pada rata-rata hasil belajar peserta didik yang senantiasa masih sangat memprihatinkan dan dapat diartikan bahwa pembelajaran masih berpusat pada guru, metode pembelajaran yang diterapkan guru kurang bervariasi dan tidak memberikan kesempatan peserta didik untuk berkembang secara mandiri melalui penemuan dan proses berpikirnya. Pendidik harus mampu memotivasi atau memberikan sugesti kepada peserta didik agar pembelajaran matematika yang diperoleh dapat memberikan makna tersendiri bagi kehidupan mereka sehari-hari

Metode pembelajaran yang berprinsip dengan menggunakan sugesti adalah metode
Belajar matematika dengan metode
Penggunaan metode Hypnoteaching dalam
Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri Benerwetan Tahun
Terhadap Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis
Tidak ada jawaban
Ukuran Variasi
Derajat Rataan
Karena rerata kemampuan komunikasi matematis yang mendapat penerapan metode
Meskipun rerata kemampuan komunikasi matematis yang mendapat penerapan metode
Penerapan metode Hypnoteaching yang kombinasikan dengan menggunakan pendekatan
Hypnoteaching Terhadap Motivasi Belajar
Meningkatkan Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar
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