
This study aims to: (1) produce quality Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) model-based learning tools (valid, practical, and effective) for class X students of SMA Negeri 1 Singkil, (2) Analyze the improvement of students' mathematical communication skills after being taught using model-based learning. Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) in class X SMA Negeri 1 Singkil, (3) analyzing the achievement of student self-efficacy after using learning tools based on the CTL model in class X SMA Negeri 1 Singkil. The type of research used is development research using a 4-D development model. From the results of trial I and trial II obtained: (1) The validity of the learning device according to the expert team is valid; The learning tools meet the practical criteria, namely a) the response of the expert team to the learning tools can be used with minor revisions b) the observer's assessment on the Observation sheet on the implementation of the learning tools which is stated in the very good category; Learning devices meet the effective criteria, namely a) classical student learning completeness has been achieved in the second trial, namely 94.44% b) The formulated learning objectives have been achieved, c) students gave a positive response to learning tools, d) Time allocation does not exceed learning normal; (2) Mathematical communication ability using the developed learning tools increased, in terms of the N-Gain Score. Mathematical communication ability test increased by 0.5 with moderate criteria, in Test II increased by 0.6 with moderate criteria; Keywords: Learning Device Development, CTL Learning Model, Mathematical Communication Ability DOI: 10.7176/JEP/13-11-07 Publication date: April 30 th 2022

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