
The Fire and Rescue Service is a Government apparatus with the duties, principal and functions in the field of prevention, fire prevention and rescue. Therefore, the performance of firefighters in their duty to combat fires needs to be analyzed. Because firefighters first take care of their personal safety as well as the safety of those around who need help.The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of discipline and training on employee performance in the Central Jakarta City Fire Service Administration Department, written in Minister of Public Works Regulation No. 20 / PRT / M / 2009 CHAPTER II Section 5, concerning human resources and training education is held at the Center for Fire Fighting and Rescue Education and Training Prov. DKI Jakarta aims to provide basic knowledge about prevention, prevention and rescue in the field of fire and other disasters. In improving the performance of work officers, training needs to be provided as needed, training that can regulate employees regularly so that there are no violations at work. The purpose and objective of the research is to be able to provide knowledge in influence on employee performance. Where the research method uses research instruments namely simple regression and multiple regression to find the correlation coefficient between discipline and training on employee performance.


  • Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) menjadi aspek khusus yang paling mahal dibanding dengan aspek lainnya oleh karena itu menurut (Bangun, 2012)SDM adalah motor penggerak khusus dalam berorganisasi

  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of discipline and training on employee performance

  • concerning human resources and training education is held at the Center for Fire Fighting

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Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) menjadi aspek khusus yang paling mahal dibanding dengan aspek lainnya oleh karena itu menurut (Bangun, 2012)SDM adalah motor penggerak khusus dalam berorganisasi. Kemampuan profesional dalam mencapai suatu kinerja agar sesuai dengan standar mampu berkompetensi dalam persaingan jenjang karis seorang petugas pemadam kebakaran yang sangat dituntut untuk meraih, mengembangkan, dan mempertahankan Sumber Daya Manusia yang profesional dan bermutu. Dengan meningkatnya mutu Sumber Daya Manusia diharapkan pegawai mampu bekerja secara propesional sehingga tercapainya kinerja yang diharapkan dapat lebih memuaskan sesuai persyaratan standar kerja(Hasibuan, 2017). Dalam mencakup suatu standar kinerja profesional dibutuhkan kemampuan ahli melalui beberapa tingkatan dan tahapan. Dengan hanya mempunyai pendidikan formal masih tidak cukup untuk mencakup kemampuan kinerja yang profesional. Sehingga itu kemampuan SDM pegawai wajib disetarakan melalui peningkatkan pendidikan dan pelatihan serta pengembangan disiplin(Mangkunegara, 2013).

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