
The clothing industries in Indonesia are becoming more and more competitive. Many brands of clothes avalaible in the market place have a good quality and popularity. ZARA was one of clothes famouse in Indonesian. This Study aims to examine the effect of brand image, brand trust, and service quality on brand loyalty of ZARA clothes. Data coleccted by questionnare and involved 100 consumers in Surabaya. The sample was was selected by judgement sampling. The data were analyzed using MRA (Multiple Regression Analysis).The result shows that brand image has significant effect on brand loyalty, brand trust has signifcant effect on brand loyalty, and service quality has significant effect on brand loyalty. It implies that, it is important to improve brand image, trust and service quality for creating customer loyalty. Promotional strategy by delivering message honesty is important for building image and trust. Service quality can improve the overall service quality. The company should improve the product quality and services by improving attitude, skill and knowledge it’s employees.


  • The clothing industries in Indonesia are becoming more and more competitive

  • ZARA was one of clothes famouse in Indonesian

  • This Study aims to examine the effect of brand image, brand trust, and service quality on brand loyalty of ZARA clothes

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Pertumbuhan industri fashion di Indonesia, saat ini, mengalami perkembangan dan pertumbuhan yang pesat. Dalam konteks bisnis citra merek ini penting Studi He & Lai (2014) dan menunjukkan bahwa citra merek berperan penting dalam membentuk loyalitas konsumen. Ikatan yang kuat dari pelanggan atas merek dapat meningkatkan profitabilitas dan produktivitas perusahaan Citra merek yang positif yang dirasakan pelanggan dapat meminimalisir tingkat resiko dalam pembelian produk. Pelanggan akan percaya pada perusahaan yang memiliki citra yang baik, dari kepercayaan menggunakan produk yang ditawarkan perusahaan akan membuat harga diri seseorang menjadi naik (Kevin 2013). Selain citra merek dan kepercayaan merek, kualitas layanan juga menjadi hal sangat penting Kualitas layanan merupakan salah satu anteseden dari kepuasan dan loyalitas pelanggan. Kualitas layanan yang dirasakan konsumen ini akan dapat meningkatkan loyalitas terhadap merek Mengingat pentingnya peran citra merek, kepercayaan dan kualitas layanan ini, maka kajian atas Zalora lebih difokuskan pada hal tersebut

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