
This study aims to determine how much influence Organizational Culture, Career Development, and Self Efficacy have on Employee Performance. The analytical method used is correlation analysis and multiple regression. The method of data collection in this study is to use a questionnaire filled out by respondents, namely employees of PT. Padang Post. From the results of multiple regression analysis, it shows that: (a) organizational culture has a partially significant effect on employee performance, (b) career development has a partially significant effect on employee performance, (c) self-efficacy has a partially significant effect on employee performance development, (d) ) organizational culture, career development and self-efficacy together on career development, (e) the contribution of organizational culture, career development, and self-efficacy variables together on employee performance is 71.4% while the remaining 28.6 % influenced by other variables not examined in this study.


  • Salah satu kebutuhan hidup yang tidak kalah penting di era globalisasi ini adalah kebutuhan akan jasa pengiriman barang

  • This study aims to determine how much influence Organizational Culture, Career Development, and Self Efficacy have on Employee Performance

  • From the results of multiple regression analysis, it shows that: (a) organizational culture has a partially significant effect on employee performance, (b) career development has a partially significant effect on employee performance, (c) self-efficacy has a partially significant effect on employee performance development, (d) ) organizational culture, career development and self-efficacy together on career development, (e) the contribution of organizational culture, career development, and self-efficacy variables together on employee performance is 71.4% while the remaining 28.6 % influenced by other variables not examined in this study

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Triwulan IV

Tabel 1.1 menunjukan hasil fluktuasi pencapaian kinerja karyawan PT. Pos Persero Kota Padang. Ditahun 2019 pada triwulan 1 pencapaian kinerja karyawan sebesar 71% lalu mengalami kenaikan pada triwulan 2 menjadi 72%. Informasi yang diberikan oleh manajer di bagian SDM menyatakan bahwa realisasi pencapaian kinerja karyawan dapat disimpulkan belum optimal karena belum memenuhi target dan harapan yang ditetapkan PT. Pos Persero Kota Padang, diperoleh bahwa kinerja karyawan di PT. Pos Persero Kota Padang saat ini dapat dikatakan menurun. Sampel yang digunakan merupakan sampel jenuh yaitu terdiri dari 108 orang karyawan PT Pos Padang. Analisis yang digunakan yaitu menurut [7] Regresi linear berganda pada dasarnya merupakan perluasan dari regresi linear sederhana, yaitu menambah jumlah variabel bebas yang sebelumnya hanya satu menjadi dua atau lebih variabel bebas.

MATERI Budaya Organisasi
Self Efficacy
Mean Square
Model Summaryb
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