
This study aims to determine the effect of organizational culture and employee commitment on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) on employees at the Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Padang. This research uses three variables, namely Organizational Culture, Employee Commitment, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). This type of research is quantitative research with a causal method. The population in this study amounted to 45 employees with sampling using total sampling technique. So that a sample of 45 employees was obtained. Data collection techniques using research questionnaires. The data that has been collected was analyzed using multiple regression analysis, to see the most dominant component of its influence on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) in employees at the Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Padang. The results of this study indicate 1) organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) on employees at the Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Padang seen from the sig value. 0.000 < 0.05. 2) employee commitment has a positive and insignificant effect on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) on employees at the Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Padang as seen from 0.498 > 0.05. 3) organizational culture and employee commitment have a positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) on employees at the Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Padang seen from the sig value. 0.000 < 0.05.Keywords : organizational culture, employee commitment, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)


  • This study objective to determine the effect of organizational culture and employee commitment on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) on employees at the Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Padang

  • The results of this study indicate 1) organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) on employees at the Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Padang seen from the sig value. 0.000 < 0.05. 2) employee commitment has a positive and insignificant effect on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) on employees at the Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Padang as seen from 0.498 > 0.05. 3) organizational culture and employee commitment have a positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) on employees at the Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Padang seen from the sig value. 0.000 < 0.05

  • Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi, Stres Kerja Dan Komitmen Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Cv. Bintang Karya Putra Di Surabaya

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Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode kausal asosiatif, karena penelitian menanyakan hubungan dua variabel atau lebih (Sugiyono: 2017). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh variabel bebas budaya organisasi dan komitmen karyawan terhadap variabel terikat organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) karyawan Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Padang. Populasi berjumlah 45 orang, maka teknik sample menggunakan teknik total sampling. Jenis data menggunakan data primer diperoleh dari hasil pengisian angket yang disebarkan kepada karyawan Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Padang. Selanjutnya, teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara menyebarkan angket. Analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik regresi berganda menggunakan aplikasi SPSS 16

Tinggi Tinggi Tinggi
Standardized Coefficients
Collinearity Statistics
Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients
Sum of Squares
Organisasi dengan Komitmen Karyawan pada Organisasi di PT Haji Ali Sejahtera
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