
Anredera cordifolia [Ten] Steenis has been proven to have pharmacological activity that is thought to be influenced by the presence of phenolic compounds and flavonoids. However, both compounds are found in small concentrations through conventional extraction (maceration, decoction, soxhlet, and reflux). This study aims to prove that the ultrasonic assisted extraction method can obtain higher concentrations of phenolic and flavonoid compounds. Dried binahong leaves were extracted using ultrasonic assisted extraction with 70% ethanol. Phenolic levels were determined using Folin-Ciocalteu, while flavonoid levels were determined using the colorimetric aluminum method. The results showed binahong leaves ethanolic extract had phenolic levels of 10.16 % GAE and flavonoid levels of 10.58 % QE. These results are much higher than the results obtained using conventional extraction so that ultrasonic assisted extraction can be recommended to maximize the extraction of phenolic and flavonoid levels from the leaves of Binahong (Anredera cordifolia [Ten] Steenis).Â


  • Anredera cordifolia [Ten] Steenis has been proven to have pharmacological activity that is thought to be influenced by the presence of phenolic compounds and flavonoids

  • This study aims to prove that the ultrasonic assisted extraction method can obtain higher concentrations of phenolic and flavonoid compounds

  • The results showed binahong leaves ethanolic extract had phenolic levels of 10.16 % GAE and flavonoid levels of 10.58 % QE

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Metode Penelitian

Bahan kimia Bahan-bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, daun binahong (Anredera cordifolia [Ten] Steenis) di peroleh dari BALITTRO, etanol 70%, kertas saring, asam galat (Sigma), kuersetin (Sigma), reagen Folin-Ciocalteu, NaOH (Merck), natrium asetat (Merck), kalium asetat, Na2CO3 (Merck), kain flanel, asam asetat glasial, HCl, reagen Meyer, serbuk Mg, aseton, FeCl3, NaCl, H2SO4, metanol, akuades. Prosedur penelitian Perhatikan penulisan unit pengukuran atau satuan metrik internasional dan penggunaan sub heading 3 jika diperlukan

Pembuatan ekstrak
Penetapan kadar fenol total
Penetapan kadar flavonoid total
Karakteristik ekstrak
Penetapan kadar fenol dan flavonoid total
Hasil uji Fenolik
NaOAc ionisasi NaOAc
Daftar Pustaka
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