
Completeness praktikun learning tool in achieving competence automotive field would be a necessity that must be met. Seeing the large number of students at SMKN 1 Losarang, majoring in Automotive engineering, having practicum facilities that are still relatively minimal, with the limited practical facilities, additional practical facilities are needed in the form of car AC machine trainers to improve student competence at SMK N 1 Losarang. Increased competence by providing trainer AC Drives and conducted training and workshops and provide free test and post-test were conducted before and after the training. With the application of AC engine technology competence of students majoring in Automotive cars increased by 20.5%. This is based on comparison of the value of the free test to post-test value that has been done. PKM activity carried out has an impact enough for both students and the school's own department.


  • Completeness praktikun learning tool in achieving competence automotive field would be a necessity that must be met

  • Seeing the large number of students at SMKN 1 Losarang, majoring in Automotive engineering, having practicum facilities that are still relatively minimal, with the limited practical facilities, additional practical facilities are needed in the form of car AC machine trainers to improve student competence at SMK N 1 Losarang

  • With the application of AC engine technology competence of students majoring in Automotive cars increased by 20.5%

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Negeri 1 Losarang merupakan sekolah kejuruan yang didirikan pada tahun 1999 dengan membuka 3 (tiga) jurusan yaitu Jurusan Teknik Permesinan (TM), Teknik Elektro (TE) dan Teknik Pertanian (TP). Sehingga pada tahun 2006 sekolah ini membuka jurusan baru yaitu jurusan Otomotif dan Jurusan Komputer dan Jaringan. Walaupun terbilang baru saat itu jurusan teknik Otomotif sangat diminati oleh calon peserta didik sehingga jurusan ini membuka 3 rombel/kelas tiap tahunnya, namun seiring peningkatan jumlah peserta di jurusan tersebut tidak diiringi peningkatan alat praktikum untuk siswa melakukan praktek. Berdasarkan analisis situasi tersebut dan selaras dengan penelitian Wardika., dkk tahun 2018 mengenai prototype mesin AC mobil yang telah dipublikasikan pada Seminar Nasional Sentrinov 2018. Tujuan PkM berdasarkan hasil tersebut prototype mesin AC dapat dijadikan sebagai model/perangkat pembelajaran praktikum di jurusan Teknik Otomotif SMK Negeri 1 Losarang sehingga mampu meningkatkan kompetensi peserta didik pada jurusan tersebut. Tujuan PkM berdasarkan hasil tersebut prototype mesin AC dapat dijadikan sebagai model/perangkat pembelajaran praktikum di jurusan Teknik Otomotif SMK Negeri 1 Losarang sehingga mampu meningkatkan kompetensi peserta didik pada jurusan tersebut. (Marwan Effendy, 2005)

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