
This paper will discuss a theory in dealing with a crisis situation in the context of a da'wah organization in general, which of course will be different from the crisis context of a business company, both in terms of the type of issue or problem to the handling of the crisis situation. According to Coombs, there are five message strategies that are usually used in crisis communication, namely: (1) Non-existence strategies. This strategy is carried out by organizations that are not experiencing a crisis, but there are rumors that the organization is facing a crisis; (2) Distance strategies. Organizations that acknowledge a crisis are used and try to weaken the relationship between the organization and the crisis that has occurred; (3) Ingratiation strategies. This strategy is used by organizations in seeking public support; (4) Mortification strategies. The organization tries to apologize and accept the fact that there is a real crisis; (5) Suffering strategies. Organizations also show suffering as victims of those who are not happy with the organization and seek to gain public support and sympathy. The choice of crisis communication strategy must be considered by the da'wah organization that will carry out its crisis communication by still considering the situation, type of problem, and the scale or size of a crisis that occurs as well as the organization's ability to reach the choice of communication model.


  • This paper will discuss a theory in dealing with a crisis situation in the context of a da'wah organization in general, which will be different from the crisis context of a business company, both in terms of the type of issue or problem to the handling of the crisis situation

  • According to Coombs, there are five message strategies that are usually used in crisis communication, namely: (1) Non-existence strategies

  • Organizations that acknowledge a crisis are used and try to weaken the relationship between the organization and the crisis that has occurred; (3) Ingratiation strategies. This strategy is used by organizations in seeking public support; (4) Mortification strategies

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Rizky Saputra*

Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. Menurut Coombs ada lima strategi pesan yang biasanya digunakan dalam komunikasi krisis yaitu: (1) Non – existence strategies. Strategi ini dilakukan oleh organisasi yang kenyataanya tidak mengalami krisis, namun ada rumor bahwa organisasi sedang menghadapi sebuah krisis; (2) Distance strategies. Digunakan organisasi yang mengakui adanya krisis dan berusaha untuk memperlemah hubungan antara organisasi dengan krisis yang terjadi; (3) Ingratiation strategies. Strategi ini digunakan organisasi dalam upaya mencari dukungan publik; (4) Mortification strategies. Organisasi berusaha meminta maaf dan menerima kenyataan bahwa memang benar terjadi krisis; (5) Suffering strategies. Pilihan strategi komunikasi krisis tersebut harus dipertimbangkan oleh organisasi dakwah yang akan melakukan komunikasi krisisnya dengan tetap mempertimbangkan situasi, jenis masalah, dan skala atau besarnya suatu krisis yang terjadi serta kemampuan organisasi untuk menjangkau pilihan model komunikasi.

PENDAHULUAN komunikasi yang rapi dan terstruktur
Kasus Tylenol produksi Johnson and mengalami situasi krisis karena selama
Tulisan ini akan membahas sebuah
PEMBAHASAN merugikan organisasi seperti penarikan
Jika dihubungkan dalam konteks
Penyebab situasi krisis menurut
Penerapan Komunikasi Krisis Model yang diutarakan tanpa ketegasan sikap
SCRIPTURA Universitas Kristen Petra
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