
In the implementation of restorative justice or settlement of cases outside the court, there are no longer any minor criminal cases, but also include cases such as humiliation, persecution, fraud and embezzlement, negligence resulting in injuries, unpleasant acts, even theft, and gambling. The ultimate goal of this restorative concept hopes to reduce the number of prisoners in prison; removing stigma or labels and returning criminals to normal human beings; criminals can realize their mistakes, so they do not repeat their actions and reduce the workload of the police, prosecutors, detention centers, courts, and correctional institutions; saving state finances does not cause resentment because the perpetrator has been forgiven by the victim, the victim quickly gets compensation; empowering the community in overcoming crime, and reintegrating criminals into society. The problems, namely: settlement through restorative justice eliminates criminal acts, or not. This research is normative legal research. The results showed that: Settlement of criminal cases of fraud and embezzlement through restorative justice does not eliminate criminal acts. It is recommended that the criminal policy for settlement of cases should be changed not to retaliate but to restore the losses incurred for the parties in litigation.


  • Dalam pelaksanaan restorative justice atau penyelesaian perkara di luar pengadilan, tidak lagi mengenal perkara pidana serba ringan, tetapi juga mencakup perkara seperti penghinaan, penganiayaan, penipuan dan penggelapan, kelalaian mengakibatkan orang luka, perbuatan tidak menyenangkan, bahkan pencurian dan perjudian

  • In the implementation of restorative justice or settlement of cases outside the court, there are no longer any minor criminal cases, and include cases such as humiliation, persecution, fraud and embezzlement, negligence resulting in injuries, unpleasant acts, even theft, and gambling

  • The results showed that: Settlement of criminal cases of fraud and embezzlement through restorative justice does not eliminate criminal acts

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Permasalahan di atas dianalisis dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Kasus sebagai data sekunder yang merupakan sumber bahan hukum primer didapat dari Penyidik Satreskrim Polrestabes Medan. Para Penyidik Satreskrim Polrestabes Medan dalam menerapkan prinsip restorative justice didasarkan pada berbagai pertimbangan, antara lain: 1) “Memprioritaskan dukungan dan penyembuhan korban; 2) Pelaku pelanggaran bertanggung jawab atas apa yang dilakukan; 3) Dialog antara korban dan pelaku untuk mencapai pemahaman; 4) Ada upaya untuk meletakkan secara besar kerugian yang ditimbulkan; 5) Pelaku pelanggaran harus sadar tentang bagaimana tidak mengulangi lagi kejahatan tersebut di masa datang; dan 6) Masyarakat turut membantu mengintegrasikan baik korban maupun pelaku”.28. Rafles Langgak Putra, S.Ik., Wakasat.Reskrim Polrestabes Medan, bahwasanya: “Mediasi penal adalah proses restorative justice dalam hukum pidana yang yakni mediasi antara pelaku dan korban dengan tujuan untuk mereparasi dimana pelaku membetulkan kembali apa yang telah dirusak, konferensi pelaku korban yang mempertemukan keluarga dari kedua belah pihak serta tokoh masyarakat”.29.

Reskrim Polrestabes
Gelar Perkara
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