
The functions of a website are very strategic, such as a tool to promote goods and services, display information, and share files or images. In addition, a website is also needed in providing online services to its users, especially during the current pandemic. Because of its very strategic function, many studies have been carried out to measure website user satisfaction using the Webqual model. This study aimed to conduct a literature review on the application of the Webqual model in Indonesia between 2016 and 2020. This study identified the type of website being measured, the data processing techniques used and analyzed the findings. The results of this study indicated that the Webqual model as a measuring tool for website quality could find dimensions and attributes that were positively or negatively correlated with user satisfaction, which could be used as a benchmark in evaluating the quality of the website.


  • The functions of a website are very strategic, such as a tool to promote goods and services, display information, and share files or images

  • This study identified the type of website being measured, the data processing techniques used and analyzed the findings

  • The results of this study indicated that the Webqual model as a measuring tool for website quality could find dimensions and attributes that were positively or negatively correlated with user satisfaction, which could be used as a benchmark in evaluating the quality of the website

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Kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap internet telah merambah ke semua aspek kehidupan, termasuk aplikasi website yang berjalan di dalam internet. Dan telah menjadi alat bantu yang penting untuk dimiliki dan dikelola oleh sebuah lembaga. Mengingat fungsi website yang strategis tersebut, maka telah banyak dilakukan penelitian untuk mengukur tingkat kepuasan pengguna website yang merupakan parameter penting kualitas sebuah website. Penelitian-penelitian yang telah dilakukan tersebut menggunakan model Webqual, sebuah alat ukur kepuasan pengguna website. Dan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan kajian literatur penerapan model Webqual di Indonesia antara tahun 2016 dan 2020. Metode tersebut memiliki keunggulan dalam menganalisis website langsung dari persepsi pengguna akhir untuk menemukan kesenjangan antara persepsi yang ada dengan harapan ideal dari pengguna yang disusun berdasarkan tiga dimensi yang berhubungan dengan kepuasan pengguna atau user satisfaction (Barnes et al, 2003): 1. 3. Kualitas interaksi layanan (service interaction quality): kualitas interaksi layanan yang dialami oleh pengguna, misalnya transaksi, keamanan informasi, personalisasi, dan komunikasi dengan pemilik website. H3: Terdapat hubungan positif antara variabel kualitas interaksi layanan (service interaction quality) dengan variabel kepuasan pengguna

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