
The research was conducted to find out the application of the problem-based learning to see an increase in students’ critical thingking skills. The research method in the form classroom action research with research subjects from X-4 group students of SMA Negeri 18 Surabaya in economics studies with 35 students. The research in February-April 2023. Research prosedur are planning, implementation, observation, reflection, and follow-up plans. The instruments are teaching modules, checklists, observation, and diaries. Data collection using observation and documentation in the impemantating of learning dan critical thinking skills students. The indicator for succes of the research is 50% of students have citical thinking skill. The results show that cycle I on March, 10 2023 initial condition 14,3% of students after this cycle 29,3% of students have critical thinking skills. The action shows an increase in abilitybus has not reashed the goal, then cycle II on March, 16 2023 the students who have critical thinking skill is 50,7% of students. This mean the application of the problem based learning model with differentiation learning can improve the critica thinking skills of X-4 group of SMA Negeri 18 Surabaya.

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