This research is based on the low level of mathematics lecture result, which is caused by the learning that is still dominated by the lecturers so that the students are less motivated and bored with the learning activities in the lectures. Lecturers have not been able to encourage students to develop the talents and skills of individual students, and still many students who have not been able to formulate their own hypothesis. learning that is not optimal yet it is necessary efforts to improve learning outcomes math lectures. This study aims to reveal the effect of ROPES learning model and initial knowledge on mathematics learning outcomes in STIKes Prima Nusantara. The research design used was Randomized Group Only Design. The population of this study is all students STIKes Prima Nusantara level I of the academic year 2017-2018. Data were collected through initial knowledge tests and and learning result tests. The results revealed that the results of lectures of students who were taught with ROPES learning model higher than the results of student learning taught by conventional learning model, student learning outcomes that have a high initial knowledge with ROPES learning model higher than the results of learning mathematics students who have a high initial knowledge with conventional learning model, student learning outcomes that have low initial knowledge with ROPES learning model higher than the results of mathematics learning students who have low initial knowledge with conventional learning model and there is no interaction between learning models and knowledge early in influencing the results of college mathematics students STIKes Prima Nusantara.
Perkuliahan matematika merupakan pro ses pemberian pengalaman belajar kepada peserta didik melalui serangkaian kegiatan yang terencana sehingga peserta didik memperoleh kompetensi tentang materi yang akan dipelajari
This research is based on the low level of mathematics lecture result, which is caused by the learning that is still dominated by the lecturers so that the students are less motivated and bored with the learning activities in the lectures
This study aims to reveal the effect of ROPES learning model and initial knowledge on mathematics learning outcomes in STIKes Prima Nusantara
Pengetahuan awal dalam penelitian ini adalah kemampuan dasar yang sudah ada pada mahasiswa secara memadai dalam hubungannya dengan tujuan pembelajaran yang dapat di kembangkan melalui proses pembelajaran. Hunts lebih mendefinisikan model pembelajaran ROPES mengikuti langkah-langkah pelaksanaan pembelajarannya sebagai berikut: 1) Review, kegiatan ini dilakukan dalam waktu 1 sampai 5 menit, tujuannya untuk mengukur kesiapan mahasiswa mempelajari bahan perkuliahan dengan melihat pengalaman sebelumnya yang sudah dimiliki oleh mahasiswa dan diperlukan sebagai prerequisite (prasyarat) untuk memahami bahan yang disampaikan hari itu. Oleh karena itu dosen harus mempersiapkan rencana perkuliahan tersebut dengan baik melalui skenario yang sistematis, dan 5) Summary, bertujuan untuk memperkuat apa yang telah mereka pahami dalam proses pembelajaran. Berdasarkan kutipan di atas, dapat disim pulkan bahwa pelaksanaan model pembelajaran konvensional lebih menekankan pada peranan dosen sebagai pemberi informasi dengan sedikit memperhatikan kegiatan siswa selama pem belajaran berlangsung.
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