
Education in Indonesia is currently competing to require the nation's children to be able to master various foreign languages, one of which is Arabic. Good mastery of Arabic needs to be based on the number of mufrodats mastered. It cannot be denied that at elementary school age children need appropriate methods so they can memorize mufrodat more easily. Therefore, researchers chose the singing method to be studied in more depth, because this method has the potential for elementary school children to be able to master foreign language vocabulary which may be difficult for children their age to learn. Where the aim focuses on finding out whether the application of the singing method will be effective in mastering mufrodat. Researchers used descriptive qualitative methods supported by data collection techniques through interviews with relevant teachers and documentation and then analyzed in 3 stages, namely data reduction, data display and data verification. The results showed that this singing method had an influence on students' mastery of mufrodat for the better.

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