
The 2019 elections have already passed, but the implementation leaves some problems, especially the black campaign on social media. Social media has now undergone a change in its use, one of which is to carry out political activities (campaigns). The rules regarding black attacks are based on various laws and regulations. Even though there are rules, there are still many black campaigns on social media. The problem in this paper is the factors that influences the law enforcement of black attacks on social media and how to overcome black campaigns on social media. Factors influencing black campaign law enforcement on social media are, the law regulation factor Law No. 17 of 2017 which has not clearly and regulated black campaigns, lack of law enforcement personnel and expertise in enforcing black campaign law, facilities and facilities that limited, people who are used to black attacks, and the culture of people who do not understand precisely about social media. Mitigation efforts can be made with preventive media literacy, collaboration between institutions, and early detection applications of harmful content. Besides, repressive efforts carried out by law enforcement and closing accounts or sites that carry out black campaigns. UU no. 7 of 2017 needs to be revised by clearly and decisively regulating black campaigns, strengthening law enforcement through education and training, increasing the budget for police cybercrime units needs to be added for facilities and facilities, besides media literacy needs to be done from an early age.

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