
Proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus) is an endemic animal of Borneo including protected primate species as an endangered species status. This species listed as an endangered species caused by large population decline and habitat demage continues to threaten the proboscis population. This research was conducted in Taman Wisata Alam Tanjung Belimbing (TWATB) is a nature conservation area that supports the conservation of proboscis monkey. The purpose of this research is to collect the amount of proboscis monkey populations, so as to provide an overview of conservation efforts that must be carried out. The method was used the River Survey method. The result of Proboscis research based on the age level was found consisted average of 5 adult male individuals, 6 adult female individuals, 7 adolescent individuals and 5 childs. Estimation of the population is calculated using the King’s Method. Estimated individuals population is 12 individuals with a density of 25.5 individuals/km2.Keywords: Proboscis monkey, Population, Tanjung Belimbing, Paloh.


  • PENDAHULUAN Taman Wisata Alam merupakan kawasan pelestarian alam yang dimanfaatkan sebagai pariwisata dan rekreasi alam (UU RI, 1990)

  • This species listed as an endangered species caused by large population decline

  • This research was conducted in Taman Wisata Alam Tanjung Belimbing

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Keberadaan bekantan di daerah hulu Sungai Kapuas di Kalimantan

Tetapi bekantan masih dapat ditemui dibeberapa bagian pesisir (Kartono et al, 2008), salah satunya adalah di Paloh Kabupaten Sambas. Hasil evaluasi bekantan di hutan mangrove selama 10 tahun terjadi penurunan populasi bekantan pertahun sebanyak 3% (Bismark, 2002). Laporan simposium PHVA (Population and Habitat Viability Analysis) bekantan tahun 2004, populasi bekantan diduga tinggal 25.000 individu, dan yang berada di kawasan konservasi 5.000 individu (Manangsang et al, 2005). Secara nasional bekantan tergolong kedalam satwa dilindungi berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Republik Indonesia Nomor P.106. Secara Internasional status konservasi bekantan termasuk kedalam endangered species (IUCN, 2019) dan Appendix I CITES untuk status perdagangan. Salah satu ruang lingkup SRAK 20132022 adalah pengelolaan populasi yang bertujuan agar populasi bekantan dapat meningkat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendata jumlah populasi bekantan di TWATB, Kecamatan Paloh

Penelitian ini dilaksanakan Taman
HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN Perjumpaan Bekantan
Population And Habitat Viability
Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan
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