
<p><em>Ceremony Menek Bajang is one type of Manusa Yadnya ceremony performed by Hindus. This ceremony is usually performed when the child has just grown up. But the symptoms that exist in society, not all people know the benefits in carrying out the ceremony Menek Bajang. Though many benefits contained in the ceremony Menek Bajang if people are able to implement in accordance with the rules of literature in the Hindu religion. The problems discussed are: (1) How is the procession of Menek Bajang ceremony in Yehembang Village, Mendoyo Sub-district of Jembrana District, (2) What is the function of Menek Bajang ceremony in Yehembang Village, Mendoyo Sub-district Jembrana District (3) What educational values are contained in the ceremony Menek Bajang in Yeh Embang village, Mendoyo Sub-district, Jembrana District. </em><strong><em></em></strong></p><p><em>The special purpose of this research are (1) To know the procession of Menek Bajang ceremony in Yehembang Village, Mendoyo Sub-district, Jembrana District. (2) To know the function of Menek Bajang ceremony in Yehembang Village, Mendoyo Sub-district, Jembrana District. (3) To know the values of Hindu religious education contained in the Menek Bajang ceremony in the village of Yeh Embang Yehembang Mendoyo Sub-district Jembrana District. </em><em></em></p><p><em>This research has a general purpose that is to provide knowledge and increase public understanding about the function and value of Hindu religious education in Ceremony Menek Bajang in Yeh Embang village Mendoyo sub-district Jembrana District. So that people are able to apply the results of the research that the authors produce so that people understand about the implementation of Menek Bajang Ceremony implemented by every society. Theories used to analyze this problem are: Religious theory, from Edurkheim, Structural Functionalism theory, from Talcott Parsons, and Value Theory, from Max Scheler. The subject of this research is Hindu society of Yehembang Village, Data Collection Method is Observation of Menek Bajang ceremony, Interview to Hindu leader in Yehembang Village, Documentation Study and Library study. The data have been analyzed by qualitative descriptive analysis method with reduction measures, data presentation and conclusion. </em><em></em></p><em>The result of the research shows that (1) the procession of Menek Bajang ceremony can be seen from the preparation of upakara / banten which is assisted by the closest relatives, then prepared the banten for praying in Merajan followed by the ceremony of praying which at once Matur Piuning to the ancestors who have been bersentana at Merajan, then continued With ceremony Meprayascite, mebyokaon, natab which aims to Sang Hyang Semara Ratih can bersentana in the body of the child and continued with the show continued continued Nunas wangsupada; (2) the function of Menek Bajang ceremony, is to appeal to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa / God Almighty in His manifestation as Sang Hyang Smara Ratih, may be pleased to grant holy love to the person who is married and leads to the right path in order to realize good behavior and virtuous, in front of Widyadara - Wdyadari may wish to surrender all knowledge, intelligence, kerupawan, and beauty. The function that can be described is the religious function that is as a form of service Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa because the actual done by humans is the command of God, the function of preservation of art and culture as a means of achieving balance and harmony of life as individuals and community groups, the function of education that is as affirmation of children , that a child who is being married is a child of adolescence or adulthood; (3) educational value Menek Bajang ceremony is Tattwa education of trustworthiness presented to the Lord, namely Susila Education Menek Bajang ceremony according to Hindu literatures literary and religious value visible in the form of offerings that illustrates the power of Widi Wasa Ida Sang Hyang</em>

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