<p><em>Every religious teaching has a holy place to worship. Pura is a holy place for Hindus used to worship to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa. In each village Pakraman in Bali has a temple that certainly has a certain background and function so there are several types of temples, one of which is Pura Beji Pasekan which is a general shelter temple but also a Pura Kahyangan Village. Pura Beji Pasekan also has uniqueness, because it is functioned as a place of purification of pratima, nunas tamba (treatment) and melukat (cleansing) other uniqueness that is a source of springs in the temple area sourced from a bamboo tree that has a very clear source of water , until now the knowledge of the people of Desa Pakraman Akah the source of the water has never been dry even in the dry season. The source of the spring is a source of life for the people of Pakraman Akah Village. The uniqueness is the background of researchers to further explore about Pura Beji Pasekan through research entitled "Existence Pura Beji Pasekan in Pakaman Akah Village, Klungkung Sub-district, Klungkung Regency (Hindu Religious Education Perspective)".</em></p><p><em>Issues to be discussed include: (1). How is the existence of Pura Beji Pasekan in Pakraman Akah Village, Klungkung Sub-district, Klungkung Regency? (2). What is the function of Pura Beji Pasekan in Pakraman Akah Village, Klungkung Sub-district, Klungkung Regency? (3). What are the values of Hindu religious education found in Pura Beji Pasekan in Pakraman Akah Village, Klungkung Sub-district, Klungkung Regency?</em></p><p><em>The theories used to analyze the problem are: (1). The existentialist theory of Kierkegaard. (2). The structural functional theory of Talcott Parsons. (3). The value theory of John Dewey. Data collection methods used in this study are participant observation, interview, documentation, and literature study. The collected data was analyzed by qualitative descriptive analysis method with reduction measures, data presentation and conclusion.</em></p><p><em>The results showed (1). Existence of Pura Beji Pasekan in Pakraman Akah Village Klungkung Sub-district, Klungkung Regency. The history of Pura Beji Pasekan begins with the discovery of springs in the area of Pura Beji Pasekan. Pura Beji Pasekan disungsung by all krama Desa Pakraman Akah. The implementation of piodalan at Pura Beji Pasekan is held every once a year which falls on Rahina Purnama Sasih Fifth. (2). The function of Pura Beji Pasekan consists of the purification function, the function of welfare, the religious social function, the function of education and the function of ecological preservation. (3). The values of Hindu religious education contained in Pura Beji Pasekan. namely, the value of education sradha, the value of education gotong-royong (ngayah), and the value of aesthetic education.</em></p>
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