
Stunting is a chronic nutritional disorder characterized by short or very short height compared to the average child of his age. Data on the prevalence of stunting under five collected by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2018 stated that Indonesia was the third-highest contributor to stunting in the South-East Asia Regional (SEAR) after Timor Leste and India. Indonesia's national stunting prevalence is 29,6%. West Java Province has the 12th the highest prevalence in Indonesia is one of the priority areas in stunting management, with the stunting prevalence rate most similar to the Indonesian national stunting prevalence of 29,2%. This study aims to examine the variables that are indicated to affect the incidence of stunting in children aged 0-59 months based on data obtained from the 2018 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas). Eighteen variables are categorized into child characteristics, nutritional fulfillment, socio-demographic, socialeconomic, and environmental characteristics. The analysis was performed using the logistic regression method and the Chi-Square Automatic Interaction Detection (CHAID) method. The analysis results show that the probability of stunting will increase significantly in children under five with several criteria. These Criteria are mothers with low education, sex of male toddlers, toddlers who do not carry out immunizations, toddlers who are not given additional food (PMT), and infants with households that have a safe place to eat and the disposal of wastewater from the kitchen is not suitable.

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