
Rubber is a forestry plant producing sap. Rubber latex is needed for various industrial purposes. Rubber is a side business as well as additional income for the community besides farming in Banua Tengah Village. The method used is a survey method with interview techniques. Sampling was done intentionally (purposive sampling). The number of samples taken was 61 respondents who were ; rubber farmers, married, worked tapping rubber and owning rubber plantations. Data analysis consists of calculating total income and multiple linear regression analysis. The analysis results obtained total income / Tr received by farmers around Rp. 390,000 - Rp. 2,840,500 / month, when compared to the UMR established by the Government in 2018, UMR Kapuas Hulu Regency is Rp. 2,204,650.00 / month, there are 2 (two) farmers who have an income above the minimum wage while 59 other farmers are still under the UMR There are four factors that influence the income of rubber farmers in Desa Banua Tengah namely land area, work experience, rubber age and workdays, of the four most influential factors are land area and workday variables, while the work experience and rubber age variables are not very influential. Factors of land area, work experience, rubber age and working days together greatly affect farmers' incomes with the equation of total income of rubber farmers as follows: ln Y = 9,817 + 0,397 ln X1 + 0,098 ln X2 + 0,061 ln X3 + 1,194 ln X4 Correlation value R = 0.928 and the value of determination R2 = 0.861 From these equations obtained a constant value of 9,817 which shows that income from rubber farmers (Ŷ) in Desa Banua Tengah is Rp. 9,817 if X₁, X₂, X3 and X4 are considered zero. Ŷ is positively correlated with X₁, X₂, X3 and X4.Keywords: Influential factors, Latex, Rubber farmers, Total income


  • PENDAHULUAN Indonesia adalah salah satu produsen karet di dunia, berdasarkan studi International Rubber Study Group (IRSG) (2007) dalam Boerhendhy et al, (2010), produksi karet alam dunia pada tahun 2020 akan mencapai 13 juta ton dan Indonesia diperkirakan akan menjadi negara penghasil karet alam terbesar di dunia

  • Rubber latex is needed for various industrial purposes

  • Data analysis consists of calculating total income and multiple linear regression analysis

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Menurut Sugiharsono dan Daru

Dimana : Wahyuni (2019) untuk mengetahui jumlah penerimaan/Pendapatan total (Tr) yang diperoleh dari penjualan lateks karet dapat dihitung dengan menggunakan rumus : TR = P x Q Dimana : TR = total penerimaan (Rp) P = harga produk (Rp) Q = jumlah Produk (Kg). Y= pendapatan (pendapatan total/TR) petani penyadap karet b0 = konstanta b1.,= koefisien regresi x1= luas lahan karet (Ha) x2= pengalaman kerja (Tahun) x3 = umur karet yang disadap (Thn). Data yang diperoleh saat penelitian di uji dengan uji asumsi dasar dan empat asumsi dasar (klasik) untuk program SPSS 20. Yang terdiri dari : Uji asumsi dasar yaitu : Identitas responden terdiri dari umur petani karet, pendidikan dan jenis kelamin petani penyadap karet. Umur petani karet dapat dilihat pada Tabel. sebagai berikut: Tabel 1. Umur Petani Karet (The Age of Rubber Farmers)

Sekolah Menengah Sekolah Dasar Tidak Tamat Sekolah
Jenis kelamin
Sedikit Sedang Banyak
Mempengaruhi Pendapatan
Desa Banua Tengah pada hasil
Uji multikolinearitas digunakan untuk
Autokorelasi adalah keadaan dimana
Menguji ada tidaknya terjadi
Nilai t hitung luas lahan positif
Terhadap Pendapatan Petani Karet
Banua Tengah adalah sebesar Rp
Masyarakat Lokal Kalimantan
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