
Digital literacy must be instilled as early as possible, even in elementary schools (SD). However, the facts on the ground show that digital literacy in elementary schools has not been implemented effectively. Some schools still encounter obstacles, one of which is caused by the limitations of digital literacy tools or media in schools. This obstacle was also experienced by the Baturan Special Program Muhammadiyah Elementary School (PK) and the Muhammadiyah Plus Elementary School Malangjiwan. Basic digital literacy skills, such as typing in Microsoft Word, have not been fully mastered by students. In fact, these skills are very important in this digital era. This community service is carried out by providing direct assistance to students to practice typing in Microsoft Word. The stages in this activity are starting from observation, pre-test, to post-test in the form of typing practice. The hands-on mentoring method allows students to learn to type and recognize the features and uses of Microsoft Word. The results of this dedication show that there has been an increase in students’ competence in understanding Microsoft Word, providing real experience for students to practice typing, and can grow good digital literacy. This activity is carried out with the hope that in the future, students who already have the initial ability to type from the results of this service, can continue to practice and the school can support it by continuing this kind of activity program through a digital literacy program on an ongoing basis.

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