
Post-disaster management is the last stage in the disaster management cycle which aims to restore the lives of people who have experienced disasters so that they can restart socio-cultural activities and economic efforts to improve their welfare. To achieve one goal requires cooperation supported by various parties. Building communication with others, in this case internal stakeholders, is very necessary in order to achieve a common perception. The success of a team in achieving its goals is measured by the level of work effectiveness of team members. The higher the level of goal achievement, it can be said that the team is effective. Work effectiveness is influenced by the division of labor among team members. The cross-sectoral coordination function is very necessary for the achievement of the organization's mission and the achievement of other tasks, including how to provide support for the Action Plan for Changes in the Arrangement of Post-Disaster Documents Based on Digital Data, so that this can run not only as a formality of completeness of training but can be a continuous reference for reliability. storage or arrangement of documents that are free from disaster damage. The role of stakeholders in achieving the objectives of an activity must be based on how much influence these stakeholders have in contributing to the desired goals. Analysis of stakeholder involvement, both internal and external, must be carried out by looking at the authority that is carried out for the smooth running of all activity processes.

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