
Supplementation of molasses to improve the quality of rice straw ammonization and its effect on fermentation product in-vitroABSTRACT. Aimed of this research was to find out the optimal level of molasses addition at straw rice ammonization process to N-NH3 production, VFA and microbe protein synthesis. Material used was rumen fluid of fistula cattle, rice straw, water, urea and molasses. Treatment tried was level of molasses addition 0%, 15% and 30% on rice straw which given urea. Research was carried out by experimental method as in vitro, was conducted use completely randomized design. Variable measured were N-NH3, VFA and microbe protein synthesis. Intake data entered in data tabulation and analyzed variance then continued by orthogonal polynomial test. Research result after ammonization indicated that acidity level and concentration of released NH3 decrease parallel with addition of molasses level, and also increase the nutrient content which was crude protein increase and crude fiber decrease. Variance analysis and Test of orthogonal polynomial result indicated that treatment of molasses addition have highly significant effect (P0.01) and linier respond to concentration of released NH3 after ammonization. Research result as in vitro indicated concentration N-NH3 and VFA total decrease while microbe protein synthesis increase. Variance analysis result indicated that molasses addition treatment at straw rice ammonization process have highly significant (P 0.01) on concentration of N-NH3, VFA total and Microbe Protein Synthesis. Test of orthogonal polynomial for molasses addition at straw rice ammonization process indicated linier respond on concentration of NH3 N-NH3 and VFA total, but microbe protein synthesis quadratic had respond (P 0,01) white regression equation Y= 52.187-1.089222X + 0.11X2 (r2) 87.27 and (r) 0.9341. Research result could conclude that molasses addition up to level 30% able to improve quality of straw rice ammonization process by NH3 fixation so that increase nutrient ingredient, decrease NH3 that lost to atmosphere, improve utilization of N-NH3 and VFA and also increase microbe protein synthesis.


  • of this research was to find out the optimal level of molasses addition

  • Intake data entered in data tabulation

  • analyzed variance then continued by orthogonal polynomial test

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Materi dan Metode Penelitian Materi yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah cairan rumen yang diambil dari 1 ekor sapi Peranakan FH (PFH) laktasi kedua berfistula di Experimental Farm Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Jenderal Soedirman sebagai sumber inokulum. Urea sebanyak 5% dari berat jerami dan dilarutkan dalam air sehingga konsentrasinya menjadi 10%. Molases ditambahkan dalam larutan urea sesuai dengan perlakuan yaitu 0, 15 dan 30% dari berat jerami padi, kemudian dicampur dengan jerami giling dalam kantong plastik. Peubah yang diamati adalah produksi VFA total dengan menggunakan metode destilasi uap, N-NH3 baik hasil amoniasi maupun N-NH3 rumen dianalisis menggunakan metode Difusi Conway (Departement of Dairy Science Universitas of Wisconsin, 1966), dan sintesis protein mikroba yang dianalisis menggunakan metode Analisis Purin menurut (Zinn dan Owens, 1986). Analisis Kimia Analisis proksimat terhadap substrat maupun residu dilakukan menurut petunjuk AOAC (1990), produksi VFA total dengan menggunakan metode destilasi uap (Departement of Dairy Science, 1966), konsentrasi N-NH3 dengan menggunakan metode difusi Conway (Departement of Dairy Science Universitas of Wisconsin, 1966), dan sintesis protein mikroba rumen dengan menggunakan metode analisis Purin menurut Zinn dan Owens (1986). Analisis Statistik Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis variansi kemudian dilanjutkan dengan uji orthogonal polinomial (Stell dan Torrie,1980)

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Rataan Konsentrasi VFA Total
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Level Molases
Peternakan Universitas Jenderal
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