
The effect of molasses on ammoniated straw by using urea on dry and organic matter digestibility as in vitroABSTRACT. Aimed of this research was to find out the optimal level of molasses addition to improve quality, dry matter and organic matter digestibility of rice straw ammonization process. Materials used were rumen fluid of fistula cattle, grind of rice straw, water, urea and molasses. Research designed used Completely Randomized Design (CRD). As treatments were R0: rice straw 1000 g dry matter + 500 g water + 50 g urea + 0 percent of molasses, R1: R0 + 15 percent of molasses, R2: R0 + 30 percent of molasses. Urea and molasses dissolved in water and then entered into pollybag. All pollybag observe and let for 15 days, each treatment replicated 6 times. Variable measured were dry matter digestibility and organic matter digestibility. Research result showed that ammonization product of NH3, Acidity Level and crude fiber having decreased while crude protein content increased. Variance analysis indicated that treatments had significant effect (P0.05) on dry matter and organic matter digestibility. Orthogonal polynomial test indicated that level of molasses increase (P0.05) of dry matter and organic matter digestibility linearly. It can be concluded that addition up to 30 percent in ammoniating of rice straw using urea can improve quality of ammonization and increasing dry matter and organic matter digestibility.


  • Jerami padi merupakan limbah pertanian yang paling banyak tersedia dan sering digunakan sebagai pakan pada saat persediaan rumput kurang

  • of this research was to find out the optimal level of molasses addition to improve quality

  • Urea and molasses dissolved in water

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Materi Penelitian Materi yang digunakan adalah cairan rumen sebagai sumber inokulum yang diambil dari sapi fistula bangsa Peranakan Fries Holstein yang sedang laktasi ke II dan diberi pakan yang terdiri dari hijauan dan konsentrat dengan perbandingan bahan kering 50 : 50 dengan konsumsi bahan kering 3% dari bobot hidup. Materi lain adalah jerami padi, urea, air, dan molases. Alat dan bahan yang digunakan sebagai berikut : (1) Alat untuk amoniasi jerami padi, antara lain: alat pemotong (pisau/gunting), alat penggiling (blender), timbangan, ember, tempat penyimpanan, tali pengikat dan plastik; (2) Alat untuk in vitro antara lain: tabung fermentor, Shaker Water Bath yang diatur pada suhu 390 C, pipet, sentrifuge, karet pentil, termos air, corong, kain penyaring, kertas saring whatman 41, tabung erlenmeyer, tabung gas CO2, termometer, pH meter; (3) Alat untuk analisis kecernaan bahan kering dan bahan organik yaitu oven, tanur, cawan porselin, kertas saring whatman 41, desikator, timbangan analitik. Setiap perlakuan di ulang 6 kali, perlakuan yang diuji adalah : R0 = 1000 g BK Jerami padi + Urea 5% + Air. Analisis proksimat, bahan kering dan bahan organik terhadap substrat dan residu dilakukan menurut petunjuk AOAC (1990). Jika terdapat pengaruh perlakuan maka dilanjutkan dengan uji orthogonal polinomial (Steel and Torrie,1993)

Level Molases
Kandungan Nutrien Hasil Amoniasi dengan Penambahan Molases

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