
<em><span>The character of students in the current era of globalization does not reflect to be a successor of the nation. This can be seen from the large amount of violence, cyberbullying, the lack of humanism among students, the culture of plagiarism, and what is worse is that there is a sense of pride in foreign cultures. These cases are of course very inversely proportional to the noble values of Pancasila which have been instilled by every higher education institution in Indonesia. To overcome this, of course, higher education institutions must continue to develop and develop character education which aims to ensure a dignified future of the nation and has a character that is in accordance with the values of Pancasila. Therefore, higher education institutions play an important role in character education in every activity. One of the efforts that must be tried by higher education institutions is to utilize local cultural products as a medium for character education learning. The existence of positive values in indigenous cultural products such as the Dulmuluk theater that developed in Palembang society will certainly elevate and develop the character of students into a quality generation, and capable of mastering science, technology and art.</span></em>

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