
Pregnancy is an integral part of the circulatory system between pups and mother. Growth anddevelopment of pups is determined by intake from their mother. The purpose of this study was to measurethe growth of pup’s bones given ethanol extract purwoceng (Pampinella alpine) for 1 to 13 days of ratgestation. Eight pregnant rats were divided into two groups: control group and purwoceng group that wasgiven ethanol extract purwoceng at a dose of 25 mg/300 g bw. The born pups were observed for 70 days tomeasure the growth and development of head bone, back bone, front legs bone, and hind legs. The resultsshowed that the growth and development of all bones parameters of female pups were higher on purwocenggroup than control the bone while male pups did not difference between purwoceng and control group exceptback bone and hind leg bone. The conclusion of this study is that administration of purwoceng roots ethanolextract on pregnant rats during organogenesis phase can extends the bone length of their pups.


  • Pregnancy is an integral part of the circulatory system between pups and mother

  • Eight pregnant rats were divided into two groups: control group and purwoceng group that was given ethanol extract purwoceng at a dose of 25 mg/300 g bw

  • The born pups were observed for 70 days to measure the growth and development of head bone, back bone, front legs bone, and hind legs

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Jurnal Veteriner

Purwoceng (Pampinella alpina) merupakan tanaman komersial yang dilaporkan bahwa semua bagiannya (batang, daun, dan akar) berkhasiat sebagai obat. Akar purwoceng berkhasiat memperbaiki kinerja reproduksi tikus jantan dengan meningkatkan kadar luteinizing hormone dan testosteron (Nasihun, 2009). Ekstrak akar purwoceng (EAP) yang diberikan pada tikus bunting selama 1-13 hari cenderung meningkatkan bobot badan, bobot ovarium, dan bobot uterus serta keberhasilan titik implantasi yang lebih baik (Satyaningtijas et al, 2014). Penelitian sebelumnya tersebut melaporkan bahwa EAP dapat meningkatkan kinerja reproduksi pada betina bunting dengan cara memperbaiki lingkungan mikrouterusnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengamati perkembangan tulang anak tikus jantan dan betina keturunan induk yang diberi EAP selama masa organogenesis yang terjadi pada hari 1-13 kebuntingan. Manfaat penelitian ini adalah untuk memberi sumbangan informasi tentang khasiat EAP terhadap perkembangan tulang anak tikus jantan dan betina dari induk yang diberikan EAP selama masa organogenesis

Kontrol EAP
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