
Neonates in perinatology room of Wongsonegoro Hospital were 879 babies from August 2019 to July 2020 and 459 (52%) had infusions attached. Total of 459 infants were given intravenous lines, found 11 (2,3%) cases of failure in infusion. Failure causes the neonates cry because of pain. Based on this, the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of giving breastmilk and dextrose 55 %% on the pain response during infusion in neonates. This type of research is quasi experiment. The design of this study used a posttest with control group design. Population was neonates who received infusion therapy. Sampel of 32 neonates. The treatment group was given breast milk for 16 neonates and the control group was given Dextrose 5% for 16 neonates. This study used purposive sampling. The statistical test used the Mann Whitnesy test. The pain response of the breast milk treatment group in neonates was the mean value of 3.19. Pain response in the control group was the mean value of 4.31. There is an effect of giving breast milk the pain response during infusion in nenates p value=0.002. So it can be concluded that giving breast milk is more effective in reducing pain during infusion in neonates when compared to dextrose 5%.


  • Neonates in perinatology room of Wongsonegoro Hospital were 879 babies from August 2019 to July 2020 and 459 (52%) had infusions attached

  • on this, the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of giving breastmilk

  • The design of this study used a posttest with control group design

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Semarang didapatkan data neonatus pada bulan

Agustus 2019 sampai dengan Juli 2020 sebanyak 879 bayi dan yang terpasang infus sebanyak 459 (52%). Dari 459 bayi yang terpasang infus, ditemukan 11 (2,3%) kasus kegagalan dalam pemasangan infus. Data neonatus pada bulan Agustus 2020 dan September 2020 sebanyak 137 bayi dan yang yang terpasang infus sebanyak 73. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ASI dan D5% terhadap respon nyeri saat pemasangan infus pada neonatus. Populasi penelitian adalah neonatus yang mendapatkan terapi pemasangan infus yang dirawat pada bulan Januari 2021 sebanyak 45 neonatus. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengobservasi respon nyeri pada neonatus adalah Neonatus Infant Pain Scale (NIPS). Analisis bivariat untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian Air Susu Ibu (ASI) dan dextrose 5% (D5%) terhadap respon nyeri saat pemasangan infus pada neonatus di RSUD K.R.M.T Wongsonegoro Semarang menggunakan uji Mann Whitney

Respon nyeri kelompok perlakuan Air
Invasif di Rumah Sakit Abdul Moeloek
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