
On 2018, the incidence of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) occurred in Sukoharjo District, which reached 42 villages with the highest in Sukoharjo District, one of which was in Kelurahan Kenep. More understanding is needed about the education of the dangers of mosquitoes, the characteristics of breeding and the formation of movements, namely through active, creative, innovative and solutive community empowerment. The establishment of the program carried out was the empowerment of mosquito-free healthy communities through the Ecohealth Village concept based on Education for Sustainable Development, which is tied to social, environmental and economic. This program is also carried out with the prevention of various perspectives, such as the use of used materials as mosquito traps, the spread of anti-mosquito plants, and movement of posters to encourage people to live mosquito-free healthy lives and the establishment of one Jumantik Monitoring Household. The results of this program influence the understanding of creative, innovative education and solutions to mosquitoes. During and post-implementation, there have been no cases of dengue. The program provides a significant influence in realising a mosquito-free healthy village.


  • E Ecohealth Village concept based on Education for Sustainable Development, which is tied to social, environmental and economic

  • During and post-implementation, there have been no cases of dengue

  • Guidelines and recommendations for reorienting teacher education to address sustainability, UNESCO education for sustainable development in action

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Dibutuhkan suatu inovasi yang solutif, kreatif, dan inovatif serta ramah lingkungan berupa program pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam rangka mewujudkan Desa Bebas Nyamuk Berbasis ESD (Education for Sutainable Development) di Kelurahan Kenep Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah. Ketika konsep ESD ini menyokong berdirinya pemberdayaan masyarakat sehat maka yang diharapkan yakni adanya kesadaran warga terkait pentingnya kesehatan dan terbebasnya dari vektor nyamuk, secara tidak langsung dalam penerapan ini juga berdampak pada lingkungan yang semakin asri, dan produktifitas kerja masyarakat. Sistem ESD juga mempertimbangkan pemberdayaan secara ekonomi melalui potensi yang dimiliki oleh Kelurahan Kenep, Sukoharjo Jawa Tengah. Ketika kesehatan masyarakat membaik maka hal ini berimplikasi kepada banyak hal lain, seperti produktifitas kerja, peningkatan ekonomi serta berkembangnya kreatifitas dan seni, sehingga program pemberdayaan masyarakat sehat dalam mewujudkan desa sehat bebas nyamuk tersebut dapat terwujud dan memberikan inspirasi terhadap masyarakat lain agar muncul kesadaran mengenai pentingnya kebersihan lingkungan

Metode Pelaksanaan
Giyantolin et
Analisis Data
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