
This research is motivated by the empowerment of Muslim community through majlis talim or recitation group of mothers in the field of religion and social empowerment of society and its member economics in solving the environmental problems and protection of nature and natural resources can not be solved only by relying on knowledge and technology. Environmental problems and crises can only be overcome by fundamental and radically changing the way people view and behave towards their natural environment. What is needed is a change of perspective and behavior that is not only an individual, but it must be a culture of society at large. The main purpose of this study is to find out how the model of empowerment of Muslim community conducted by the group of majlis talim alkaromah dikelurahan Pejuang sub district Medan satria Bekasi.
 This research uses qualitative approach. This research is a kind of qualitative research that is through library research which is kind of research from literature treasury and make text world as the main object of analysis, that is by writing, identifying, clarifying, reducing, and presenting data obtained from written source.
 This study concludes: First, the model of economic empowerment of Muslim society conducted by majlis talim mothers through Garbage Bank can improve the economics of the members of majlis alkaromah. Second, in Bank garbage majlis talim alkaromah aims to empower and can make society more independent. Such programs save the waste which is then converted to rupiah, then with managing the waste, the sharing of profits with the profit-sharing system, and there is also a group of joint ventures through cooperatives, with this joint effort can improve the skills and independence of the community so that when the community Islam is independent, the empowerment has been successful.


  • The main purpose of this study is to find out how the model of empowerment of Muslim community conducted by the group of majlis talim alkaromah dikelurahan Pejuang sub district Medan satria Bekasi

  • Program-program tersebut seperti menabung sampah yang kemudian hasil tabungannya di konversikan ke nilai rupiah, kemudian dengan mengelola sampah, yang pembagian keuntungannya dengan system bagi hasil, dan ada juga kelompok usaha bersama melakui koperasi, dengan usaha bersama ini dapat meningkatkan skill dan kemandirian masyarakat sehingga ketika masyarakat islam sudah mandiri, itu artinya pemberdayaan yang dilakukan berhasil

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Pendekatan yang dilakukan untuk melakukan pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat muslim, tidak lagi pendekatan individu, tetapi juga pendekatan kelompok dalam bentuk usaha bersama seperti dalam wadah koperasi. Dengan usaha dan perancanaan secara sistematis dan juga program-program di Bank Sampah yang sudah disusun secara strategis13, kelembagaan Bank Sampah ini dirasa sangat membantu dalam memberdayakan komunitas majlis talim dan masyarakat muslim yang ada di Kelurahan pejuang tersebut, karena mayoritas penduduk di sana adalah beragama islam.

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