
This participatory action research aims to improve communication readiness and problem solving for adolescents of marriage-ready age in Jumapolo sub-district. This research involved adolescents of marriage-ready age and adolescents ready for marriage, the Head of the Religious Affairs Office of Jumapolo Sub-district, local village heads, lecturers and students of the Islamic Institute of Mamba'ul 'Ulum Surakarta. Researchers begin by making observations at the research site, interviews with stakeholders, determining activities in the form of seminars and focus group discussions with participants. The qualitative data of the study were analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results showed changes in participants' perceptions of communication and problem solving in the household. This activity is very important to be held to understand the characteristics of the couple, as a provision for establishing good communication in a household, how to solve problems well so as to prevent divorce.

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