
Dayak Pakpak tribe is one of the Dayak tribes in Sintang regency, it is located at Nanga Ungai village, Kayan Hulu Subdistrict, whereas at there the distribution of inheritance uses a customary law until nowadays.The research discussion designed toward the performance distribution of inheritance on Dayak Pakpak community by the Temenggung adat which related to the Customary Law of Dayak Papak in Nanga Ungai Village, Kayan Hulu subdistrict.The approach used in this research is a Sociological Juridical Method. The approach is defined as problem analysis through legal research of factual facts in institution concerned or toward the community which covered as problems handled in the research.As results, the implementation of inheritance distribution on Dayak Pakpak community by the Temenggung adat are suitable with a customary law of Dayak Papak in Nanga Ungai Village, Kayan Hulu subdistrict, which is implementedby Temenggung with the beneficiary in accordance with the beneficiary’s orders for the period of his lifetime, as for the group who gets the inheritance biological child, wife/husband, parents (father/mother:only if the person concerned dies), grandchildren (in case the child is no longer there) and grand children (in case the grandchild is not there).In conclusion, according to the customary law of Dayak Papak in Nanga Ungai Village, Kayan Hulu District, it is carried out by Temenggung together with the heirs in accordance with the heir’s orders during his lifetime. The group who gets the inheritance Natural children, wife / husband, parents (father / mother if the person concerned dies), grandchildren (in this case the child is no longer there) and grandchildren (in this case the grandchild is not there). Then after, if there is a debate in those family mentioned in receiving the assets, it should be resolved by gathering together as means of talk for finding solution and the Head of Custom together with the Temenggung must be engaged.


  • The implementation of inheritance distribution on Dayak Pakpak community by the Temenggung adat are suitable with a customary law of Dayak Papak in Nanga Ungai Village, Kayan Hulu subdistrict, which is implemented by Temenggung with the beneficiary in accordance with the beneficiary’s orders for the period of his lifetime, as for the group who gets the inheritance biological child, wife/husband, parents, grandchildren and grand children

  • After, if there is a debate in those family mentioned in receiving the assets, it should be resolved by gathering together as means of talk for finding solution and the Head of Custom togetherwith the Temenggung must be engaged

  • Sumber Internet https://id-id.facebook.com/notes/stevanusagung/sejarah-asal-usul-dayak kalimantan/205141046181327/ Hari Selasa 5 Mei 2020 Jam 12.00 wib http://hamiddarmadi.blogspot.com/2017/02/ ayak-asal-usul-dan-penyebarannya-di. htm diakses Hari Selasa 5 Maret 2020 Jam 12.00 wib Wikipediabahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas, https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adat, diakses pada Hari Selasa 5 Mei 2020 Jam 12.00 wib ht t ps: / / mella puspi t a .wordpre ss. com/2017/04/14/perbedaan-peradaban-budaya-tradisi-adat-istiadat-dan kebiasaan/ diakses Hari Selasa 5 Mei 2020 Jam 12.00 wib

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Orang tua ), saudara – saudara si pewris; (3) Golongan III, terdiri dari keluarga sedarah bapak atau ibu lurus ke atas ( seperti, kakek, nenek baik garis atau pancer bapak atau ibu ) si pewaris;. 14 I Gede A.B. Wiranata, 2005 Hukum Adat Indonesia, Perkembangannya dari Masa Kemasa, PT.Citra Aditiya Bakti, Bandung, Hlm.[3] renapam (endapan) kesusilaan dalam masyarakat, yaitu bahwa kaidah- kaidah adat itu berupa kaidah-kaidah kesusilaan yang kebenarannya yang telah mendapat pengakuan umum dalam masyarakat itu”.15. Aturan- aturan adat yang mempunyai sanksi dan tegas serta bersumber dari rasa keadilan dalam masyarakat setempat hukum adat itu berlaku, yang keberadaannyadipertahankan secara turun temurun baik secara lisan maupun tulisan, sebagaimana yang diutarakan oleh Soerojo wignjodipoero hukum adat. Adalah sebagai berikut : “Suatu komplek norma-norma yang sumber pada perasaan keadilan rakyat yangselalu berkembang serta meliputi peraturan-peraturan tingkah laku manusia dalam kehidupan sehari- hari dalam masyarakat, sebagian besar tidak tertulis, senantiasa ditaati dan dihormati oleh rakyat, karena mempunyai akibat hukum atau sanksi”.18. Bersifat material dan immaterial terhadap orang perorangan atau terhadap masyarakat berupa persekutuan

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