
In facing increasingly tight business competition, MSME (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) entrepreneurs must continue to develop themselves. Utilization of technology is a strategy that can be carried out by MSMEs to create a competitive advantage. Technology can be applied to all resources owned by the company. These resources can be categorized into six types (6M), namely Man (Human), Material (Physical), Money (Money), Machine (Technology), Method (Method), and Market (Market). This technological involvement can be through; 1) Humans, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) can change the way managers make decisions, 2) Money, all financial transactions from the production input process to output to consumers using electronic transactions, 3) Materials, utilizing technology in selecting materials raw material, so that quality materials are able to produce quality products, 4) Machine, in the production process using the latest technology, so that it is able to obtain maximum results both in terms of quality and quantity, 5) Method, here of course the work procedures used by MSME companies, in managing a business involves technology, 6) Market, implementing a digital marketing strategy, namely carrying out promotions using online media, will certainly increase and expand market share.

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