
Traditional medicine using herbs has been known and done since the first generations by the people of Indonesia. Tutur area is located in the district of Pasuruan, East Java Province. One of the villages in the Tutur area is Kayukebek. The community Kayukebek have knowledge about the advantages of plants as a medicine for specific diseases or health problems. The study aims to: 1) To obtain information the types of plants used as a medicine; 2) To know the various uses of herbs; 3) To determine the perception and appreciation of the herbs from the Kayukebek community. This research is a descriptive explorative study. The method performed in the exploratory survey data collection by direct observation in the field and Participatory Rural Appraisal methods. Community engagement obtained through interviews with semi-structural and open-ended based question list. Sampling technique used is purposive sampling and snowball sampling. The value of the use of plants known by the value of Informant Concencus Factor and Use Value. The results, recorded 22 plants species have been used in this community as traditional medicine, include: garlic, tropong onion (scallion), plantain, dlingo, ceplukan, jambu wer, senggani, blencong, tamarind, kecubung, mustard greens, cabbage, fennel, turmeric, ginger, pulosari, sendokan, corn, white wood, sempretan (brojo lintang), gorogo, and wono ginger. It was observed that the local people are less aware of the medicinal plants. It is seen the public perception of the use medicinal plants is low (48.03%) meanwhile the appreciation medicinal plants are prefer to low category (49.69%).


  • Traditional medicine using herbs has been known and done since the first generations by the people of Indonesia

  • Tutur area is located in the district of Pasuruan

  • obtain information the types of plants used as a medicine

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Setelah data dianalisis dengan angka kemudian dilanjutkan dengan analisis secara deskriptif. Hasil Inventarisasi dan Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan sebagai Obat oleh Masyarakat Kayu Kebek. Hasil pengelompokan tumbuhan yang diketahui sebagai tumbuhan obat oleh masyarakat Kayukebek ditampilkan pada Tabel 1. Sementara untuk hasil penentuan nilai persentase tumbuhan yang dimanfaatkan sebagai obat ditampilkan pada Tabel 2 dan persentase manfaat mengobati penyakit ditunjukkan pada Tabel 3. Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan Obat oleh Responden Suku Setempat. Tumbuhan yang direkomendasikan masyarakat Kayukebek untuk digunakan sebagai obat terdapat 22 jenis tumbuhan (Tabel 1). Penggunaan 7 jenis tumbuhan tersebut dianggap mujarap dibanding dengan penggunaan tumbuhan yang lain. Sebagian besar responden (97,82%) menyatakan tidak pernah menerima penyuluhan tentang tumbuhan obat oleh lembaga atau penyuluh. Faktor lain adalah pembuatan obat dari tumbuhan yang menyita waktu masyarakat untuk melakukan aktivitas di ladang, dan penyembuhannya agak lama dibandingkan dengan obat kimia atau obat dari bidan. Masyarakat cenderung memilih obat sintetis yang lebih cepat efeknya agar cepat melakukan aktivitas berladang kembali

22. Myrtaceae
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