
Rice plants are essential for the world, especially Indonesia because it is a rice-producing plant that is useful as a staple food for its people. A decreased harvest area, production, and rice productivity can affect food availability. Therefore, this research aims to classify and map the harvested area, production, and productivity of rice in Indonesia based on each province. The research data used in this paper is data on the harvested area (ha), production (tons), and rice productivity (Ku/ha) by Provinces in Indonesia for 2020-2022 obtained from the Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics website. In this study, the algorithm used is X-Means Clustering with the help of the Rapid Miner application. The results of this study are in the form of grouping or mapping of harvested area, production, and productivity of rice, divided into 3 (three) regions, including 1. Harvested Area (divided into five groups: Very high Harvested Area consists of 3 provinces, High Harvested Area consists of 1 province, Medium Harvest Area consists of 3 Provinces, Low Harvest Area consists of 8 Provinces, and Very low Harvest Area consists of 19 Provinces 2. Rice Production Area (divided into five groups: Very high rice production consists of 3 provinces, Rice production High rice production consists of 1 province, Medium rice production consists of 3 Provinces, Low rice production consists of 8 Provinces, and Very low rice production consists of 19 Provinces 3. Regions of Rice Productivity (divided into five groups: Very high rice productivity consists of 6 provinces, High Rice Productivity consists of 13 provinces, Medium Rice Productivity consists of 7 Provinces, Low Rice Productivity consists of 4 Provinces, and Very Low Rice Productivity consists of 4 Provinces. This can be information for the Indonesian government, especially for the respective provincial governments, to be able to maintain the harvested area, production, and productivity of rice in Indonesia to remain stabel.

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